Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE15661 - Fieldwalking and Geophysical Surveys: Land near Margetts Pit, Burham, Kent

Title Fieldwalking and Geophysical Surveys: Land near Margetts Pit, Burham, Kent
Date/Year 2007


Account of a field walking and geophysical survey that found 70 struck flints and evidence of enclosures, possibly including a Neolithic causewayed enclosure.

External Links (0)




Kent County Council Heritage 2008/75

Referenced Monuments (4)

  • Late Iron Age/early Roman enclosure, Margetts Pit, Burham (Monument)
  • Later prehistoric flints, Margetts Pit, Burham (Findspot)
  • Neolithic causewayed enclosure at Burham (Monument)
  • Rectilinear structures in a cropmark at Burham (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

  • EKE10025 Fieldwalking and Geophysical Surveys: Land Near margetts Pitt Burhnam Kent (Ref: 1005BMP)
  • EKE11667 Geophysical survey at Margetts Pit, Burham (Ref: 1005/BMP/02)

Record last edited

Sep 23 2013 11:28AM