Monument record TR 25 SW 14 - Early medieval Kingston Downs barrow cemetery


An extensive early medieval cemetery was excavated in 1767-73 by Faussett and by Thomas Wright in the 19th century. Further excavations at the site took place in the 20th century. The excavations revealed an extensive cemetery containing over 300 burials. More than 180 were buried in wooden coffins and most marked by small mounds, or barrows. Almost all were buried with their heads to the west. Numerous grave goods have been recovered including weapons, beads, Christian crosses and glass vessels. The most striking find was the famous 'Kingston Brooch' from a large mound containing the burial of a small woman. Fashioned of gold, with settings of garnet, blue glass and shell, its quality and condition are superb - even the back of the brooch is fabulous. It has been dated to the 7th century. The brooch’s quality demonstrates the high Ievel of skill of the craftsmen around Faversham where the brooch originated – a truly Kentish masterpiece. It is now on display in the World Museum, Liverpool. Summary from record TR 25 SW 93: Large number of ring ditches (at least 40), all with small diameters, inserted into the junction where the course of the Roman road meets a trackway crossing north over Barham Downs.


Grid reference Centred TR 2040 5182 (596m by 491m) FCE
Map sheet TR25SW
County KENT


Type and Period (3)

Full Description

<1> AP (NMR TR2051/6; 17 6 76) (OS Card Reference). SKE33796.

<1> OS 6" 1960 (OS Card Reference). SKE48367.

<2> Invent Sep 1856 35-94 (B Faussett) (OS Card Reference). SKE44488.

<3> VCH Kent 1 1906 345 (RA Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE50825.

<4> Arch of Kent 1930 235 (RF Jessup) (OS Card Reference). SKE36898.

<5> Md Arch 4 1960 135 (OS Card Reference). SKE46638.

<6> Maidstone Museum (a) Inf DB Kelly A/Curator (OS Card Reference). SKE46349.

<7> F1 FGA 24.02.65 (OS Card Reference). SKE42971.

<8> Md Arch 11 1967 266 (OS Card Reference). SKE46572.

<9> F2 CFW 18.11.69 (OS Card Reference). SKE43249.

<10> BAR 82 (AS Cemeteries) 1980 86-8 94-5 110 (P Rahtz T Dickson L Watts) (OS Card Reference). SKE37568.

<11> DOE (IAM) SAMS 1988 Kent 5 (OS Card Reference). SKE40775.

<12> Gaz of Early AS Burial sites 1964 125-6 (ALS Meaney) (OS Card Reference). SKE43538.

<13> Dark Age Britain 1956 - 163 Gp B viia 5, b3 - 164 Gp 3 viii c23 24 - xai 2 3 - b5 (DB Hoeswn) (OS Card Reference). SKE39581.

<14> Wheel thrown pottery in AS graves 1979 68 79 80 (VI Evison) (OS Card Reference). SKE51323.

<15> Ant J 35 1955 44 (VI Evison) (OS Card Reference). SKE33173.

<16> PSA 2nd ser 30 1918 82 fig 27 86 (M Conway) (OS Card Reference). SKE48792.

<17> Ant J 6 1926 446 (OS Card Reference). SKE33214.

<18> Arch J 65 1908 84 (RA Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE36675.

<19> Med Arch 21 1977 19-20 (R Aunt and D Leigh) (OS Card Reference). SKE46753.

<20> PSA 2nd ser 22 1907-9 68-9 (RA Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE48790.

<21> Arch J 34 1877 451 (RHS Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE36616.

<22> Arch of AS Eng 1976 272 (DM Wilson) (OS Card Reference). SKE36818.

<23> Ant J 19 1939 195-6 (TD Kendrick) (OS Card Reference). SKE33143.

<24> The Arts in Early Eng 1915 720-3 (G Baldwin Brown) (OS Card Reference). SKE50084.

<25> Field report for monument TR 25 SW 14 - February, 1965 (Bibliographic reference). SKE5786.

<26> Field report for monument TR 25 SW 14 - November, 1969 (Bibliographic reference). SKE5787.

<27> Canterbury Archaeological Trust LTD, 2014, Excavation report. Kingston Downs Anglo-Saxon barrow field cemetry, Kingston, Canterbury (Unpublished document). SKE31199.

<28> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2013, Kingston Down Anglo-Saxon cemetery, Kingston: Evaluation report (Unpublished document). SKE51940.

<29> AP (NMR TR2051/6; 17 6 76) (OS Card Reference). SKE33796.

Sources/Archives (30)

  • <1> OS Card Reference: AP (NMR TR2051/6; 17 6 76).
  • <1> OS Card Reference: OS 6" 1960.
  • <2> OS Card Reference: Invent Sep 1856 35-94 (B Faussett).
  • <3> OS Card Reference: VCH Kent 1 1906 345 (RA Smith).
  • <4> OS Card Reference: Arch of Kent 1930 235 (RF Jessup).
  • <5> OS Card Reference: Md Arch 4 1960 135.
  • <6> OS Card Reference: Maidstone Museum (a) Inf DB Kelly A/Curator.
  • <7> OS Card Reference: F1 FGA 24.02.65.
  • <8> OS Card Reference: Md Arch 11 1967 266.
  • <9> OS Card Reference: F2 CFW 18.11.69.
  • <10> OS Card Reference: BAR 82 (AS Cemeteries) 1980 86-8 94-5 110 (P Rahtz T Dickson L Watts).
  • <11> OS Card Reference: DOE (IAM) SAMS 1988 Kent 5.
  • <12> OS Card Reference: Gaz of Early AS Burial sites 1964 125-6 (ALS Meaney).
  • <13> OS Card Reference: Dark Age Britain 1956 - 163 Gp B viia 5, b3 - 164 Gp 3 viii c23 24 - xai 2 3 - b5 (DB Hoeswn).
  • <14> OS Card Reference: Wheel thrown pottery in AS graves 1979 68 79 80 (VI Evison).
  • <15> OS Card Reference: Ant J 35 1955 44 (VI Evison).
  • <16> OS Card Reference: PSA 2nd ser 30 1918 82 fig 27 86 (M Conway).
  • <17> OS Card Reference: Ant J 6 1926 446.
  • <18> OS Card Reference: Arch J 65 1908 84 (RA Smith).
  • <19> OS Card Reference: Med Arch 21 1977 19-20 (R Aunt and D Leigh).
  • <20> OS Card Reference: PSA 2nd ser 22 1907-9 68-9 (RA Smith).
  • <21> OS Card Reference: Arch J 34 1877 451 (RHS Smith).
  • <22> OS Card Reference: Arch of AS Eng 1976 272 (DM Wilson).
  • <23> OS Card Reference: Ant J 19 1939 195-6 (TD Kendrick).
  • <24> OS Card Reference: The Arts in Early Eng 1915 720-3 (G Baldwin Brown).
  • <25> Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TR 25 SW 14 - February, 1965.
  • <26> Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TR 25 SW 14 - November, 1969.
  • <27> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust LTD. 2014. Excavation report. Kingston Downs Anglo-Saxon barrow field cemetry, Kingston, Canterbury.
  • <28>XY Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2013. Kingston Down Anglo-Saxon cemetery, Kingston: Evaluation report. [Mapped feature: #895 Barrow cemetery, ]
  • <29> OS Card Reference: AP (NMR TR2051/6; 17 6 76).

Finds (7)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (7)

  • Intrusive Event: Archaeological Evaluation at Kingston Down Anglo-Saxon cemetery, Kingston (Ref: KDK/EV-13) (EKE17597)
  • Intrusive Event: Excavation at Kingston Downs, 1745 (Ref: EI 14977) (EKE3961)
  • Intrusive Event: Excavation at Kingston Downs, 1767-1773 (Ref: EI 14978) (EKE3962)
  • Intrusive Event: Excavation at Kingston Downs, 1850 (Ref: EI 14979) (EKE3963)
  • Intrusive Event: Excavation report. Kingston Downs Anglo-Saxon barrow field cemetry, Kingston, Canterbury (Ref: BDSC-EX-13) (EKE14640)
  • Intrusive Event: KINGSTON DOWNS (Ref: EI 14980) (EKE3964)
  • Intrusive Event: KINGSTON DOWNS, 1965 (Ref: EI 22219) (EKE4421)

Related Thematic Articles (2)

Record last edited

Apr 4 2022 4:01PM