Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE11923 - Dover 1992: Victoria Hospital Site: Evaluation Report

Title Dover 1992: Victoria Hospital Site: Evaluation Report
Date/Year 1992


Evaluation excavation during development of former hospital site. Evidence of possible medieval riverside revetment, 13th/14th century pottery and a possible Romano-British midden were recorded.

External Links (0)


Canterbury Archaeological Trust


Kent County Council Heritage 1992/9

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Medieval riverside, timber revetment wall Royal Victoria Hospital Site, Dover (Monument)
  • Possible early Roman dump deposits at the Royal Victoria Hospital, High Street, Dover (Monument)

Referenced Events (6)

  • EKE15762 Evaluation trenching and borehole sampling at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Dover, Borehole 1
  • EKE15763 Evaluation trenching and borehole sampling at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Dover, Borehole 2
  • EKE15764 Evaluation trenching and borehole sampling at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Dover, Borehole 3
  • EKE15760 Evaluation trenching and borehole sampling at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Dover, Trench 1
  • EKE15761 Evaluation trenching and borehole sampling at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Dover, Trench 2
  • EKE8149 Watching brief, evaluation trenching and borehole sampling at the Royal Victoria Hospital, Dover

Record last edited

Jan 5 2017 9:36AM