Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE11950 - Princes Road, Dartford, Post-excavation Assessment

Title Princes Road, Dartford, Post-excavation Assessment
Date/Year 1997


Further evaluation work in 1997 following on from KARU work in 1994 which located a ditch and a gully. The evaluations of this area were conducted because of the intention to redevelop the land into two new warehouses. This new work by CAT located the remains of a late bronze age/early iron age structure.

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Tim Allen


Kent County Council Heritage 1997/94

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Late Bronze Age Site, Lowfield St, Dartford (Monument)
  • Romano-British Channel and Gully, Lowfield St, Dartford (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

  • EKE8183 Evaluation on Land to the South-East of the Junction of Princes Road & Lowfield St, Dartford
  • EKE8192 Excavation at Princes Road, Dartford

Record last edited

Sep 4 2013 1:07PM