Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE12252 - An Archaeological Evaluation at Ingress Abbey, London Road, Greenhithe, Kent

Title An Archaeological Evaluation at Ingress Abbey, London Road, Greenhithe, Kent
Date/Year 1999


Results of archaeological evaluation work at Ingress Abbey. In addition to trenching, test pits were excavated to investigate the palaeolithic potential of pleistocene deposits and a number of worked flint flakes were recovered. A large Roman ditch was recorded running across the site. Evidence of the post medieval and recent garden landscaping was also investigated.

External Links (0)



Kent County Council Heritage 2004/356

Referenced Monuments (5)

  • Early Roman military encampment, Ingress Abbey, Greenhithe, Kent (Monument)
  • Ingress Abbey, Dartford (Monument)
  • Ingress Abbey, Palaeolithic flint flakes from terrace sands/ gravels (Monument)
  • Ingress Park (Monument)
  • Neolithic or Bronze Age Flints found during fieldwork at Ingress Abbey (Findspot)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE8558 Evaluation at Ingress Abbey, London Road, Greenhithe (Ref: INGA 99)

Record last edited

Mar 8 2005 10:03AM