Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE12274 - Channel Tunnel Rail Link, Archaeological Works at Springhead Nursery (ARC SHN02) Interim Fieldwork Report

Title Channel Tunnel Rail Link, Archaeological Works at Springhead Nursery (ARC SHN02) Interim Fieldwork Report
Date/Year 2003


Evaluation and watching brief at Springhead. Evidence of mesolithic, neolithic/bronze age, iron age finds and further occupation connected with Roman Springhead.

External Links (0)



Kent County Council Heritage 2004/1005

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Vagniacae (Springhead), Iron Age and Roman religious centre (Monument)
  • Watling Street Roman Road (Monument)

Referenced Events (4)

  • EKE8581 CTRL Excavation Springhead Nursery, Southfleet: Excavation phase (Ref: ARC SHN02)
  • EKE18819 CTRL Excavation Springhead Nursery, Southfleet: Excavation phase (Ref: ARC SHN02)
  • EKE18820 CTRL Excavation Springhead Nursery, Southfleet: watching brief (Ref: ARC SHN02)
  • EKE18821 CTRL Excavation Springhead Nursery, Southfleet: watching brief (Ref: ARC SHN02)

Record last edited

Feb 28 2017 10:24AM