Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE12538 - An archaeological watching brief associated with new foundation trenches to the rear of 67-71 High Street, Tonbridge, Kent

Title An archaeological watching brief associated with new foundation trenches to the rear of 67-71 High Street, Tonbridge, Kent


A watching brief on the machine excavation of new foundation trenches recorded a sequence of both floor and dump deposits relating to possible workshops or industrial activity, dating from the mid 13th to the early 16th centuries. A final dump deposit acted as a levelling layer prior to the construction of the existing buildings in the later 18th century.

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Kent County Council Heritage 2005/20

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Medieval activity to the rear of 67-71 High Street, Tonbridge (Monument)
  • Post medieval activity recorded at the rear of 67-71 High Street, Tonbridge (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE8839 Watching brief associated with foundation trenches at 67-71 High Street, Tonbridge (Ref: HSTON/WB-04)

Record last edited

Jan 13 2014 10:04AM