Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE12602 - Archaeological investigations at Kingsborough Farm, Eastchurch, Isle of Sheppey, Kent: Post-Excavation Assessment and Draft Proposals for Future Work

Title Archaeological investigations at Kingsborough Farm, Eastchurch, Isle of Sheppey, Kent: Post-Excavation Assessment and Draft Proposals for Future Work
Date/Year 2000


Following on from evaluation work carried out in 1999, excavation work undertaken by Archaeology South East recorded a number of archaeological features. These included the remains of a Neolithic causewayed enclosure, a number of Bronze Age features, including part of an enclosure, Iron Age/Roman and Medieval features.

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Kent County Council Heritage 2004/298

Referenced Monuments (9)

  • Late Bronze Age cremation burials, Kingsborough Manor (Monument)
  • Late Bronze Age Settlement, Kingsborough Farm, Eastchurch, Sheppey (Monument)
  • Late Iron Age - Roman Field Boundaries and Trackways, Kingsborough Manor, Eastchurch, Sheppey (Monument)
  • Late Iron Age pottery deposit, Kingsborough Manor (Monument)
  • Medieval field system, Kingsborough Manor (Monument)
  • Middle Iron Age D-shaped enclosure, Kingsborough Manor (Monument)
  • Middle-Late Bronze Age circular ditched enclosure and related features (Monument)
  • Neolithic multi ditched causewayed enclosure, Kingsborough Manor (Monument)
  • Romano-British urned cremation burials, Kingsborough Manor (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE8898 Excavation at Kingsborough Farm, Eastchurch, Isle of Sheppey (Ref: 1067)

Record last edited

Sep 28 2016 4:50PM