Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE12799 - An Archaeological Watching Brief at Norton Ash, Faversham

Title An Archaeological Watching Brief at Norton Ash, Faversham
Date/Year 2003


A single prehistoric feature was observed and recorded during ground reduction and trenching for a new access road into the Wyevale Garden Centre. Part of the cutting for a miniature railway which once ran around the Garden Centre grounds, was also observed. The area had been heavily truncated by groundworks associated with the nursery.
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Canterbury Archaeological Trust Heritage 2003/222

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Late prehistoric pit, Norton Ash, near Faversham (Monument)
  • Miniature Railway, Norton Ash, near Faversham (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE9081 Watching Brief at Norton Ash, Faversham (Ref: Archive no.1699)

Record last edited

Jan 12 2006 1:08AM