Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE12976 - Sevenoaks Sewer Replacement Project, Seal Branch Trunk Sewer, Seal to Otford, Kent: A post excavation archaeological assessment report

Title Sevenoaks Sewer Replacement Project, Seal Branch Trunk Sewer, Seal to Otford, Kent: A post excavation archaeological assessment report
Date/Year 2007


Post excavation assessment report on a watching brief and subsequent excavation along the proposed route of the Seal Branch Trunk Sewer Repalcement.

External Links (0)


Unpublished document


Kent County Council Heritage 2007/36

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Two prehistoric burnt mounds, within one a circular ring-shaped feature, layers and pits, representing at leat two phases of activity (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

  • EKE9282 Sevenoaks Sewer Replacement Project. Seal Branch Trunk Sewer, Seal to Otford, Kent: excavation (Ref: SE/07/00855)
  • EKE9281 Watching brief and Post Excavation Assessment on Seal Branch Trunk Sewer, Sevenoaks (Ref: SE/07/00855)

Record last edited

May 3 2013 10:23AM