Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE13385 - Archaeological investigation of the Bewl Bridge to Flimwell trunk main, Kent

Title Archaeological investigation of the Bewl Bridge to Flimwell trunk main, Kent
Date/Year 2004


account of the archaeological works that took place along the route of the new trunk main in 2004. Several smaller archaeological sites were discovered
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unpublished document


Kent County Council Heritage 2004/388

Referenced Monuments (5)

  • Area of charcoal burning in Chingley Wood (Monument)
  • Bank and ditch at edge of wood (Monument)
  • Late medieval and post medieval ditches and features south of Combwell Farm (Monument)
  • Late Prehistoric worked flint found during archaeological works associated with the Bewl Bridge to Flimwell trunk main, 2004 (Findspot)
  • Post-medieval brick and tile kiln, Chingley Wood (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE9686 Excavation and watching brief on the route of the Bewl Bridge to Flimwell trunk main (Ref: FBR/DA/2004)

Record last edited

Jun 19 2008 12:53PM