Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE13536 - Report on Evaluation Trenching at Copperfield House, Broadstairs

Title Report on Evaluation Trenching at Copperfield House, Broadstairs
Date/Year 2004


Eight trenches were excavated in 2004. A single archaeological feature is confined to the north-western end of the site.The finds were 19 prehistoric struck flints and two small prehistoric sherds of pottery. With the generally high archaeological potential of the Dumpton area, a watching brief on future earthmoving and ground works was recommended.

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Unpublished document.


Kent County Council Heritage 2004/134

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • A large pit, Copperfield House, Dumpton Park Drive (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE9814 Evaluation at Copperfield House, Broadstairs (Ref: BCH-EV-04/1865)

Record last edited

Aug 26 2010 1:38PM