Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE13619 - An archaeological watching brief at Lullingstone Roman villa, Lullingstone, Kent

Title An archaeological watching brief at Lullingstone Roman villa, Lullingstone, Kent
Date/Year 2006


Account of a watching brief on a water pipe trench in 2006. The ground was found to be very disturbed though a few Roman tiles were recovered.

External Links (0)




Kent County Council Heritage 2006/241

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Few Roman tiles and probable Roman buried soil found next to Lullingstone Roman villa car park (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE9888 Watching brief on water pipe trench next to Lullingstone Roman villa car-park

Record last edited

Jan 22 2014 4:17PM