Source/Archive record (Bibliographic reference) SKE14090 - The History of the Pre-Officer Cadet Training Unit Wrotham (Vigo) (privately published, undated but about 1985)

Title The History of the Pre-Officer Cadet Training Unit Wrotham (Vigo) (privately published, undated but about 1985)


History of the camps
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Victor Smith

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Camp E of the Wrotham (Vigo) Second World War Pre-Officer Cadet Training Unit, Daniel Chambers area, Trosley, Nr. Wrotham, Kent (Monument)
  • Camp E of the Wrotham (Vigo) Second World War Pre-Officer Cadet Training Unit, Daniel Chambers area, Trosley, Nr. Wrotham, Kent (Monument)

Referenced Events (0)

Record last edited

Aug 25 2015 11:24AM