Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE15935 - Nashenden Valley Post Excavation Assessment Report
Title | Nashenden Valley Post Excavation Assessment Report |
Author/Originator | Oxford Archaeological Unit |
Date/Year | 2000 |
Report on a watching brief and one area of detailed excavation in the Nashenden Valley associated with the Channel Tunnel Rail Link.
External Links (0)
Unpublished document
Kent County Council Heritage 2002/1030
Referenced Monuments (4)
- TQ 76 NW 739 A Roman pit in the Nashenden Valley (Monument)
- TQ 76 SW 484 Iron Age pits in the Nashenden Valley (Monument)
- TQ 76 NW 738 Two Iron Age ditches in the Nashenden Valley (Monument)
- TQ 76 NW 736 Worked flint of Neolithic or Bronze Age date (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- EKE10273 Nashenden Valley Channel Tunnel Rail Link watching brief and detailed excavation (Ref: ARC NSH98)
Record last edited
Jan 5 2010 4:06PM