Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE29557 - Archaeological and Geoarchaeological Evaluation Report: Stonehouse Hospital, London Road, Dartford, Kent

Title Archaeological and Geoarchaeological Evaluation Report: Stonehouse Hospital, London Road, Dartford, Kent
Date/Year 2013


Archaeology South-East was commissioned by CgMs Consulting Limited to undertake an archaeological evaluation on land at Stonehouse Hospital, London Road, Stone, Dartford, Kent. Six evaluation trenches were excavated between 17th and 10th October 2013. Four of the six trenches investigated were devoid of archaeological features. An undated ditch was recorded in Trench 6 sealed by a chalk layer of mid-19th to early 20th century date. A pit in Trench 5 contained a small assemblage of finds of mid-19th to early 20th century date. No further archaeological features were observed. Six geoarchaeological test pits were excaved within the existing trenches.

External Links (0)


Unpublished document


Kent County Council Heritage 2014/185

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Ditch on land at Stonehouse Hospital, London Road, Stone, Dartford (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE13574 Archaeological and geoarchaeological evaluation report: Stonehouse hospital, London Road, Dartford (Ref: SHD13)

Record last edited

Jun 30 2015 11:53AM