Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE31463 - Cooling Castle, Kent: The Gatehouse - Report on an Archaeological Evaluation
Title | Cooling Castle, Kent: The Gatehouse - Report on an Archaeological Evaluation |
Author/Originator | Keevill Heritage Ltd |
Date/Year | 2015 |
The report details the results of an archaeological Evaluation on the Gatehouse of Cooling Castle.
From the report: "The owner of Cooling Castle, commissioned this evaluation of the castle’s Gatehouse. The flanking towers are in open-backed masonry, and thus open to the elements on the inner (north) side...A small test pit was manually excavated against the back of the eastern tower on 18-19 August 2015. The castle, including the gatehouse, is a Scheduled Monument and Scheduled Monument Consent (SMC) was therefore required for the work. This was applied for on 15 June 2015, and granted on 30 July 2015. This report describes and illustrates the results of the evaluation."
External Links (0)
Unpublished Document
Kent County Council Heritage 2015/305
Referenced Monuments (1)
- TQ 77 NE 1095 Medieval/Post-Medieval Pit, Cooling Castle (Monument)
Referenced Events (1)
- EKE14910 Cooling Castle, Kent: The Gatehouse: An Archaeological Evaluation (Ref: Project Name: Cooling Castle, Kent: The Gatehouse)
Record last edited
Nov 15 2016 2:28PM