Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE31514 - Castle Community College, Mill Road, Deal, Kent: Desk-Based Assessment and Archaeological Watching Brief on Site Investigation
Title | Castle Community College, Mill Road, Deal, Kent: Desk-Based Assessment and Archaeological Watching Brief on Site Investigation |
Author/Originator | Canterbury Archaeological Trust |
Date/Year | 2015 |
The report details the results of an archaeological desk-based assessment and watching brief at Castle Community College.
Taken from the report: "SUMMARY: This report presents a provisional desk-based assessment constituting rapid archaeological appraisal of land at Castle Community College, Mill Road, Deal, Kent. The report was commissioned … in June 2015 in view of proposed development of the site. Incorporated within this report are the results of the archaeological watching brief carried out by Canterbury Archaeological Trust on behalf of the client in May 2015. The PDA lies in an area of archaeological potential. Part of the site is known to have been impacted upon by quarrying, but the full extent of this is unknown. The watching brief work recorded substantial areas which had not been quarried with the most recent work identifying possible archaeological remains cutting into the natural geology in the north-west of the PDA. It is recommended that the footprint of the proposed new college building be stripped to allow full and appropriate recording of the Second World War structures. This will inform further mitigation as to whether preservation in situ or preservation by record is appropriate. An archaeological watching brief on all groundworks associated with the proposed development (e.g. foundation and service trenches, landscaping, water attenuation) would be an appropriate safeguard, with more extensive mitigation (excavation) being retained in the event of intact and significant remains being encountered during the works."
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Unpublished Document
Kent County Council Heritage 2015/325
Referenced Monuments (1)
- TR 35 SE 902 Second World War Underground Structures (probable air raid shelters), Castle Community College (Monument)
Referenced Events (2)
- EKE14957 Archaeological Watching Brief on Site Investigation: Castle Community College, Mill Road, Deal, Kent (Ref: Report No: 2015/106)
- EKE14956 Desk-Based Assessment: Castle Community College, Mill Road, Deal, Kent (Ref: Report No: 2015/106)
Record last edited
May 11 2016 1:50PM