Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE31589 - Detailed Magnetometer Survey Report, Hen & Duckhurst Farm, Staplehurst, Kent

Title Detailed Magnetometer Survey Report, Hen & Duckhurst Farm, Staplehurst, Kent
Date/Year 2016


From the report: "Archaeology South-East was commissioned by CgMs Consulting Ltd to conduct a magnetometer survey on a site totalling approximately c.4 hectares of land at Hen and Duckhurst Farm, Staplehurst, Kent. The work was undertaken between Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th January 2016. Evidence for possible archaeological features was limited to discrete moderate positive anomalies. These may be manmade cut features such as pits or infilled natural features. Areas of magnetic debris, dipolar and possible thermoremanent anomalies may indicate made ground. A service is indicated to the south of the site."
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Unpublished report


Kent County Council Heritage 2016/9

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Magnetometer results on land at Hen and Duckhurst Farm, Staplehurst (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE15019 Detailed Magnetometer Survey Report. Hen & Duckhurst Farm, Staplehurst, Kent (Ref: 2016023)

Record last edited

Jun 15 2016 9:24AM