Source/Archive record (Map) SKE31994 - Plan of Dover Harbour
Title | Plan of Dover Harbour |
Author/Originator | John Scott Tucker |
Date/Year | 1833 |
Plan: 'Dover Harbour Surveyed by Mr John Scott Tucker 1833'. Reference notes. Compass roses. Surveyed 1833. Engraved by J and C Walker. Coloured MS additions show railway and proposed extension. Originally filed with correspondence dating from 1837.
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Published at the Hydrographical Office of the Admiralty, 28 February 1834. Held by The National Archives, Kew MPHH1/691/15
The National Archive MPHH1/691/15
Referenced Monuments (6)
- TR 34 SW 1762 Dolphin jetty, Dover Western Docks (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 211 Former site of Amherst Battery, Dover (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1826 Former site of post medieval Almshouses at Dovers Western Docks (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1827 Former site of post medieval buildings at Dovers Western Docks (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 2561 Guilford battery, Dover Castle (Monument)
- TR 34 SW 1829 Possible former site of post medieval Piers/Groynes, Dover Western Docks (Monument)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
May 6 2020 4:39PM