Source/Archive record (OS Card Reference) SKE37089 - Arch. Cant. Vol. 41 1929 pp. 13- 17 plan; showing 8 pits (A. H. A. Hogg)

Title Arch. Cant. Vol. 41 1929 pp. 13- 17 plan; showing 8 pits (A. H. A. Hogg)


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Referenced Monuments (9)

  • "Sweyns camp", possible medieval motte or prehistoric barrow? - Pit I (Monument)
  • "Sweyns camp", possible medieval motte or prehistoric barrow? - Pit II (Monument)
  • "Sweyns camp", possible medieval motte or prehistoric barrow? - Pit III (Monument)
  • "Sweyns camp", possible medieval motte or prehistoric barrow? - Pit IV (Monument)
  • "Sweyns camp", possible medieval motte or prehistoric barrow? - Pit V (Monument)
  • "Sweyns camp", possible medieval motte or prehistoric barrow? - Pit VI (Monument)
  • "Sweyns camp", possible medieval motte or prehistoric barrow? - Pit VII (Monument)
  • "Sweyns camp", possible medieval motte or prehistoric barrow? - Pit VIII (Monument)
  • "Sweyns camp", possible medieval motte or prehistoric barrow? (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

  • EKE4705 Excavation of 'Sweyne's Camp' 1928 (Ref: EI 14932)
  • EKE18674 Excavation of 'Sweyne's Camp' 1928 (Ref: EI 14932)

Record last edited

Apr 10 2019 12:28PM