Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE51790 - Report on evaluation trenching at The Pines, Canterbury Road, Lyminge, April 2016

Title Report on evaluation trenching at The Pines, Canterbury Road, Lyminge, April 2016
Date/Year 2016


In April 2016, seven evaluation trenches were excavated to the rear of 'The Pines' in advance of the construction of a rear extension. 'The Pines' is situated close to the site of a major Anglo-Saxon inhumation cemetery (Lyminge II), the full limits of which remain unknown. However, no new Anglo-Saxon graves were found. The only archaeological feature revealed was a short length of probable gully, which yielded no datable finds. The implication seems to be that the new development area lies beyond the north-western boundary of the Saxon burial ground.

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Kent County Council Heritage 2018/930

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Prehistoric worked flint and multi-period pottery assemblage, The Pines, Canterbury Road, Lyminge (Findspot)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE17260 Evaluation trenching at The Pines, Canterbury Road, Lyminge

Record last edited

Dec 13 2018 2:15PM