Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE53538 - Land at Croxton and Garry, Swanscombe Road, Swanscombe: Palaeolithic Geoarchaeological Watching Brief
Title | Land at Croxton and Garry, Swanscombe Road, Swanscombe: Palaeolithic Geoarchaeological Watching Brief |
Author/Originator | Wessex Archaeology |
Date/Year | 2020 |
The Palaeolithic geoarchaeological watching brief is the final phase of a staged approach in
determining the Palaeolithic archaeological and geoarchaeological potential of the Site. The OSL dates demonstrate that extant Quaternary deposits within the site comprise solifluction deposits, reflecting accumulation under periglacial conditions, likely during the Last Glacial Maximum (26.5-19 KA), overlain by alluvial deposits dated to the Last Glacial-Interglacial Transition (16-12.9
KA) and colluvial material which has accumulated since at least the early Holocene (8.5 KA).
External Links (0)
unpublished document
Kent County Council Heritage 2020/210
Referenced Monuments (1)
- TQ 57 NE 1106 Important quaternary sequence, Croxton and Garry site, Swanscombe (Important geological sequence)
Referenced Events (9)
- EKE19847 Geoarchaeological watching brief (test-pitting), Croxton and Garry site, 2020 (Ref: Wessex Site Code Ref: 206892.03)
- EKE19850 Geoarchaeological watching brief (test-pitting), Croxton and Garry site, 2020: test pit 01 (Ref: Wessex Site Code Ref: 206892.03)
- EKE19851 Geoarchaeological watching brief (test-pitting), Croxton and Garry site, 2020: test pit 02 (Ref: Wessex Site Code Ref: 206892.03)
- EKE19852 Geoarchaeological watching brief (test-pitting), Croxton and Garry site, 2020: test pit 03 (Ref: Wessex Site Code Ref: 206892.03)
- EKE19853 Geoarchaeological watching brief (test-pitting), Croxton and Garry site, 2020: test pit 04 (Ref: Wessex Site Code Ref: 206892.03)
- EKE19854 Geoarchaeological watching brief (test-pitting), Croxton and Garry site, 2020: test pit 05 (Ref: Wessex Site Code Ref: 206892.03)
- EKE19855 Geoarchaeological watching brief (test-pitting), Croxton and Garry site, 2020: test pit 06 (Ref: Wessex Site Code Ref: 206892.03)
- EKE19848 Geoarchaeological watching brief (test-pitting), Croxton and Garry site, 2020: test pit 10 (Ref: Wessex Site Code Ref: 206892.03)
- EKE19849 Geoarchaeological watching brief (test-pitting), Croxton and Garry site, 2020: test pit 11 (Ref: Wessex Site Code Ref: 206892.03)
Record last edited
Oct 6 2020 2:13PM