Source/Archive record (Archive) SKE55512 - Archive material associated with Richborough Roman fort - Scheduled Monument

Title Archive material associated with Richborough Roman fort - Scheduled Monument


1023314 RICHBOROUGH CASTLE ARCHIVE Contents : 3 DRAWERS 3260/27/238 OBLIQUE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH 3260/35/61 OBLIQUE AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH 920460 "PHOTOGRAPHS" Collection of B/W archaeological prints, indexed by place, eg Richborough Castle excavations from 1923 & general views of the site, Rochester Castle 1894, 1903 etc.Contents : 5 boxfilesCondition : INTACT AA578/011 INSIDE WALL Donor: UNKNOWN AA71/05402 GATE IN WALL Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AA71/05403 DEFENSIVE DITCHES OF EARTHEN FORT Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AA71/05404 DEFENSIVE DITCHES OF EARTHEN FORT Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AA71/05405 DEFENSIVE DITCHES OF EARTHEN FORT Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AA71/05406 HYPOCAUST? Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AA71/05407 DEFENSIVE DITCHES OF EARTHEN FORT Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AA71/05408 DEFENSIVE DITCHES OF EARTHEN FORT Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AA71/05409 DEFENSIVE DITCHES OF EARTHEN FORT Donor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWN AF00055 Richborough Environs Project A 1:2500 scale air photographic survey of Richborough Roman fort and its environs was carried out as part of a Multi-disciplinary research project initiated by English Heritage Centre for Archaeology. The aim of the project was to establish the extent, morphology and complexity of the settlement in the area under active ploughing between the Saxon Shore fort and the amphitheatre. The combined results of the aerial survey, the geophysical surveys and small scale excavations undertaken by the CfA will be used to improve the interpretation, management and presentation of the site. AL0872 Richborough Castle An album of 15 pages containing 24 prints and 3 postcards.The print from the first page has been removed but the caption remains.The first nine pages of prints are taken from negatives used to produce Ministry of Works postcards. The remainder include views of the museum and site custodians house and general views of the walls and details of a bath house BB35/00178 SAXON SHORE FORT/SUPPLY BASE BB35/00241 SAXON SHORE FORT/SUPPLY BASE BB35/00242 SAXON SHORE FORT/SUPPLY BASE BB35/00243 SAXON SHORE FORT/SUPPLY BASE BB35/00244 SAXON SHORE FORT/SUPPLY BASE BB35/00245 SAXON SHORE FORT/SUPPLY BASE BB35/00246 SAXON SHORE FORT/SUPPLY BASE BB35/00247 SAXON SHORE FORT/SUPPLY BASE BB68/01069 INTERIOR OF NORTH WALL Donor: UNKNOWN BB68/01070 WALL Donor: UNKNOWN BB68/01071 SOUTH WALL Donor: UNKNOWN BB70/06845 CLAUDIAN SUPPLY BASE.RICHBOROUGH V (1968) FIG.27 BB70/06846 REPORT V (1968) FIG.2 AREAS XVII,XXIII BB70/06896 EARTHEN FORT (LATE 3RD CENT.) REPORT V,1968.FIG.32 BB70/06897 THE STONE FORT (4TH CENT.) REPORT V,1968 FIG.33 BB70/06898 FOUNDATION OF MONUMENT (QUADRIFRONS) REPORT V (1968) P.16 BB70/06899 MAIN ELEVATION OF MONUMENT (QUADRIFRONS) REPORT V (1968) BB70/06900 SIDE ELEVATION OF QUADRIFRONS (REPORT V,1968) BB76/07034 DIAGRAMMATIC PLAN FOR REPRODUCTION.SCALE 50':1" REVISED 1932 BB78/04870 SAXON SHORE FORT - PLAN BF113683 Richborough Castle, Ash, Kent Includes guidebook photography. CHA01 Charlesworth, D: Excavation and Research Archive A large collection of original and copied archive, much of it unpublished. The excavation archive relates largely to Aldborough, Housesteads and Hardknott. There are, however, also items concerning a number of other Roman sites and a collection of material relating to Charlesworth's publication on Roman glass in Britain.Condition : SATISFACTORYBibliographic Reference: 1) 1971, Volume 432) 1961, Volume 51 FL00993 Richborough Castle, Ash, Kent This material has not yet been fully catalogued. Copyright, date, and quantity information for this record may be incomplete or inaccurate. IC084 Richborough Roman Fort and Amphitheatre, Kent Ten reconstruction illustrations and one general illustration depicting Richborough Roman Fort, sometimes referred to as Richborough Castle. The illustrations were created between circa 1995 and 2003, and featured in guidebooks for the site and in related publications.There are eight reconstructions by Ivan Lapper, dating to the mid or late 1990's, depicting the Fort and its preceeding monuments throughout their development. There is also one reconstruction by Judith Dobie, created in 2003, depicting a Roman woman wearing brooches similar to those excavated at RIchborough. A born-digital reconstruction illustration of the Roman Port Town ar Richborough is also included, created in 2015.The set also includes one general illustration of the site by Peter Dunn, created in 2001; this is a present-day aerial view of the Fort.There is also one black and white preliminary sketch, created by Peter Dunn. This has not been catalogued at item level. JBF01 Bushe-Fox, J P: Richborough Castle, Kent This material has not yet been fully catalogued. Copyright, date, and quantity information for this record may be incomplete or inaccurate.A collection of 51 original ring-binder files containing notes on the excavations carried out at Richborough Castle 1924-38, on behalf of the Society of Antiquaries of London. The archive has been listed in some detail. Photocopies of most volumes have been made for Malcolm Lyne, English Heritage.Condition : POORBibliographic Reference: 1) 1926, Number VI2) 1928, Number VII3) 1932, Number X4) 1949, Number XVI5) 1968, number XXIII MD000152 Richborough Environs, TR 35 NW & TR 36 SW P29023 SAXON SHORE FORT Photographer: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29024 WEST WALL OF FORT AND FOUNDATIONS OF SOUTH GATE TOWER Photographer: UNKNOWNDonor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29025 NORTH WALL Photographer: UNKNOWNDonor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29026 WALL Photographer: UNKNOWNDonor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29027 NORTH WALL Photographer: UNKNOWNDonor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29028 SAXON SHORE FORT Photographer: UNKNOWNDonor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29029 SOUTH WALL Photographer: UNKNOWNDonor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29030 SOUTH WALL Photographer: UNKNOWNDonor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29031 SAXON SHORE FORT Original negative held by: UNKNOWN P29032 WALL Photographer: UNKNOWNDonor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29033 WALL Photographer: UNKNOWNDonor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29034 THE CROSS (QUADRIFRONS) Photographer: UNKNOWNDonor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29035 WALL Photographer: UNKNOWNDonor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29036 NORTH WALL AND DITCHES Photographer: UNKNOWNDonor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29037 WEST WALL OF FORT WITH DEFENSIVE DITCHES Photographer: UNKNOWNDonor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29038 WEST SIDE FROM NORTH WEST ANGLE Photographer: UNKNOWNDonor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29039 NORTH WALL AND DITCHES OF EARLIER EARTHEN FORT IN FOREGROUND Photographer: UNKNOWNDonor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P29040 WEST GATEWAY AND DITCHES Photographer: UNKNOWNDonor: UNKNOWNCopyright: UNKNOWNOriginal negative held by: UNKNOWN P46998 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P46999 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47000 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47001 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47002 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47003 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47004 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47005 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47006 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47007 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47008 "KASTELL IN ALZEI" P47009 "SITE OF POSTERN TURRET" P47010 SECTION UNDER EAST END OF NORTH CURTAIN WALL P47011 1924 EXCAVATIONS - 3RD PERIOD P47012 PLAN OF 1924 EXCAVATIONS P47013 1924 EXCAVATIONS - MEDIEVAL CHAPEL P47014 OBJECTS FROM SITE P47015 OBJECTS FROM SITE P47016 OBJECTS FROM SITE P47017 OBJECTS FROM SITE P47018 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT P47019 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT P47020 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT P47021 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT P47022 UNCAPTIONED FINDS FROM SITE P47023 UNCAPTIONED FINDS FROM SITE P47024 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT P47025 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT P47026 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT P47027 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT P47028 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT P47029 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT P47030 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT P47031 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT P47032 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT P47033 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT P47034 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT P47035 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47036 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT P47037 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT P47038 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47039 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47040 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47041 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47042 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47043 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47044 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47045 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47046 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47047 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47048 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47049 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47050 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47051 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47052 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47053 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47054 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47055 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47056 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47057 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47058 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47059 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47060 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47061 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47062 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47063 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47064 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47065 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47066 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47067 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47068 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47069 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47070 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47071 PLAN OF CASTLE AND GROUNDS P47072 ROMAN BURIAL SOUTH OF WEST GATE P47073 SECTIONS NO.41 TO 46 P47074 SECTIONS NO.32 TO 40 P47075 GULLIES IN TRENCHES SOUTH OF PLATFORM P47076 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47077 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47078 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47079 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47080 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47081 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47082 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47083 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47084 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47085 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47086 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47087 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47088 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47089 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47090 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47091 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47092 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47093 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47094 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47095 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47096 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47097 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47098 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47099 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47100 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47101 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47102 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47103 MEDIEVAL CHAPEL P47104 SITE OF POSTERN TURRET P47105 PLAN OF CASTLE P47106 UNCAPTIONED PLAN OF RICHBOROUGH CASTLE SITE P47107 DETAIL PLAN OF SITE III P47108 SITE III 1ST PERIOD P47109 SITE III - 2ND PERIOD P47110 SITE III 3RD PERIOD P47111 UNCAPTIONED PLAN OF RICHBOROUGH CASTLE P47112 UNCAPTIONED PLAN OF RICHBOROUGH CASTLE P47113 UNCAPTIONED PLAN OF RICHBOROUGH CASTLE P47114 SECTIONS THROUGH BUILDINGS IN NE. CORNER OF FORT P47115 DITCH SECTIONS - RICHBORO' CASTLE - SECTIONS FOR REPRODUCTION P47116 SECTION NO.25-31 P47117 SECTION NO.19-24 P47237 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47238 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47239 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47240 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47241 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47242 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47243 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47244 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47245 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47246 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47247 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47248 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47249 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47250 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47251 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47252 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47253 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47254 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47255 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47256 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47257 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47258 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47259 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47260 DITCHES P47261 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47262 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47263 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47264 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47265 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47266 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47267 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47268 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47269 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47270 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47271 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47272 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47273 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47274 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47275 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47276 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47277 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47278 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47279 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47280 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47281 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47282 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47283 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47284 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47285 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47286 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47287 V RAMPART P47288 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47289 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47290 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47291 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47292 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47293 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P47294 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47295 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47296 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47297 UNIDENTIFIED FIND FROM SITE P47298 UNIDENTIFIED FINDS P47299 UNIDENTIFIED FINDS P47300 UNIDENTIFIED FINDS P47301 UNIDENTIFIED FINDS P47302 UNIDENTIFIED FINDS P47303 UNIDENTIFIED FINDS P47304 UNIDENTIFIED FINDS P47305 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT FROM SITE P47306 UNIDENTIFIED OBJECT FROM SITE P48034 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P48035 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P48036 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P48037 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P48038 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P48039 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P48040 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P48041 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE P48045 MASONRY. P48046 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48047 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48048 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48049 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48050 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48051 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48052 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48053 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48054 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48055 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48056 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48057 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48058 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48059 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48060 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48061 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48062 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48063 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48064 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48065 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48066 UNSPECIFIED VIEW OF SITE. P48067 ASSOCIATED ARCHIVE. P48068 ASSOCIATED ARCHIVE. P48069 ASSOCIATED ARCHIVE. P48070 ASSOCIATED ARCHIVE. P48071 ASSOCIATED ARCHIVE. P48072 ASSOCIATED ARCHIVE. P48073 ASSOCIATED ARCHIVE. P48074 ASSOCIATED ARCHIVE. P48075 ASSOCIATED ARCHIVE. P48076 ASSOCIATED ARCHIVE. PF/RIC Richborough Roman Fort and Amphitheatre, Kent 426 drawings ranging from the early twentieth-century to April 1998, many are the records of the excavations carried out during the early twentieth-century. The excavation records include phase/area plans from all of the site and sections with some reconstructive drawings of the features. Pottery profiles and illustrations of artefacts are also represented. Many plans, sections, details and elevations are for a new museum and caretaker's bungalow, and were made during the early twentieth-century with construction details for the interior and exterior with drainage/sewage information. A number of drawings relate to boundary changes and access roads for the area around the castle, relating to new housing development plans in the area.The late twentieth-century saw the production of a topographic survey of the castle and surrounding area and rectified photographic elevations of the interior and exterior of the north, west and south curtain walls were taken. VF000181 Richborough Roman Fort, Sandwich, Kent Items in this file were created digitally and have not been printed.

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Unpublished archive material held by Historic England, associated with Richborough Roman fort - Scheduled Monument


Historic England

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Jul 28 2023 7:04PM