Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE6782 - Excavations at Brett's Sand Pit Charing 1992 draft report

Title Excavations at Brett's Sand Pit Charing 1992 draft report
Date/Year 1992


Excavations of Iron Age and Romano-British settlement. Ditches, post-holes, and cremations were found. The site has now been destroyed by sand extraction.

External Links (0)


This report is covered by two sections. The main report and an Addendum with Tables of finds and features.


Kent County Council Heritage 1992/81

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Late Iron Age/early Romano-British enclosure and field system, Brett's Gravel Pit, Charing (Monument)
  • Late Neolithic-Early Bronze Age activity, Brett's Sand Pit, Charing (Monument)
  • Neolithic flint axe, Brett's Sand Pit, Charing (Findspot)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE5003 Excavations at Brett's Sand Pit, Charing 1992 (Ref: 1992/81)

Record last edited

Jul 8 2013 10:56AM