Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE7275 - Archaeological Evaluation at Leybourne Castle, West Malling.

Title Archaeological Evaluation at Leybourne Castle, West Malling.
Date/Year 1998


Evaluation for new garage. Section of masonry appear to be very similar and on the same alignment as masonry found during a CAT watching brief at the castle in 1997. The size of bricks 2.5" and the presence of grey mortar suggests that it is of probably 19thC consturction and relates to the 16thC house which stood in the remains of the castle.

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Kent County Council Heritage 1998/27

Referenced Monuments (1)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE5373 Evaluation at Leybourne Castle (Ref: LCWM98)

Record last edited

Jul 29 2013 9:24AM