Listed Building record TQ 65 NE 202 - LEYBOURNE CASTLE


Grade II* listed building. Main construction periods 1300 to 1926. The castle was begun by Roger de Leyburn in 1260 without licence and the justiciar was ordered to stop him and, if necessary, to pull down the castle. At the time Roger was an opponent of Henry III but he later changed sides. It was Roger who saved the King's life at the Battle of Evesham in 1265. In the circumstances he was allowed to finish his castle and a grant of building stone to Roger by the King in 1266 marks the reconciliation between them. There is a reference to the castle in 1307. The manor was transferred to the Cistercian house of St Mary Graces in 1397. The ruins were converted into a residence in 1926 by the architect, Walter Godfrey.


Grid reference TQ 6886 5891 (point)
Map sheet TQ65NE
County KENT


Type and Period (6)

Full Description

1959, LEYBOURNE CASTLE. (Photograph). SKE1445.

Jarman, C., 1997, Results of Watching brief at Leybourne Castle, West Malling. (Unpublished document). SKE53837.

<1> OS 6" 1936 (OS Card Reference). SKE48337.

<2> The Castles of England 1 1897 29 (J D Mackenzie) (OS Card Reference). SKE50255.

<3> The Castle of Gt Britain 1953 240 (S Toy) (OS Card Reference). SKE50254.

<4> The English Castle 1936 92 (H Braun) (OS Card Reference). SKE50346.

<5> Md Military Arch 2 1884 188 (G T Clark) (OS Card Reference). SKE46671.

<6> VCH Kent 1 1906 481 plan (OS Card Reference). SKE50826.

<7> Rec 6" (Anon undated) (OS Card Reference). SKE49021.

<8> F1 AC 03-AUG-59 (OS Card Reference). SKE41747.

<9> F2 FGA 19-FEB-64 (OS Card Reference). SKE43329.

<10> MHLG Malling RD Kent May 1950 56 (OS Card Reference). SKE46901.

<11> The Buildings of England West Kent and the Weald 1980 380 (J Newman) (OS Card Reference). SKE50232.

<12> Md Military Architecture in Eng 2 1884 188-9 (G T Clark) (OS Card Reference). SKE46673.

<13> Moated Site Res Grp 6 1979 47 (ed C J Bond) (OS Card Reference). SKE47239.

<14> Arch Cant 93 1977 22 (T Tatton-Brown) (OS Card Reference). SKE36139.

<15> DOE (IAM) Ancient Monuments Eng 2 1978 112 (OS Card Reference). SKE40709.

<16> Field report for monument TQ 65 NE 19 - August, 1959 (Bibliographic reference). SKE3309.

<17> Field report for monument TQ 65 NE 19 - February, 1964 (Bibliographic reference). SKE3310.

<18> Untitled Source, CAT Apr. 1997(66) (Unpublished document). SKE6451.

<19> Untitled Source, Summary report on a supplimentary resistivity surveyat Leybourne Castle. Unpub,Stratascan, March 199 (Unpublished document). SKE6451.

<20> Untitled Source, Arch. Eval Report at Leybourne Castle. Unpublished,CAT, March 1998 (Unpublished document). SKE6451.

<21> Canterbury Archaeological trust, 1998, Archaeological Evaluation at Leybourne Castle, West Malling. (Unpublished document). SKE7275.

<22> Castle Studies Group, 2003, Castle Studies Group Newsletter 16 (Serial). SKE12008.

<23> Stratascan, 1998, A summary report on a Supplementary Resistivity Survey carried out at Leybourne Castle, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE7282.

<24> Archaeology South-East, 2007, The Chapel, Leybourne Castle, Leybourne, Kent:an archaeological investigation report (Unpublished document). SKE12960.

<25> Victor Smith and Andrew Saunders, 2001, Kent's Defence Heritage (Unpublished document). SKE6956.

<26> Stratascan, 1998, A Report for Neilly-Smith Architecture LTD on a Geophysical Survey carried out at Leybourne Castle, Leybourne, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE15634.

<27> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.

Sources/Archives (29)

  • --- Photograph: 1959. LEYBOURNE CASTLE.. OS59/F311/5. Black and White. Negative.
  • --- Unpublished document: Jarman, C.. 1997. Results of Watching brief at Leybourne Castle, West Malling..
  • <1> OS Card Reference: OS 6" 1936.
  • <2> OS Card Reference: The Castles of England 1 1897 29 (J D Mackenzie).
  • <3> OS Card Reference: The Castle of Gt Britain 1953 240 (S Toy).
  • <4> OS Card Reference: The English Castle 1936 92 (H Braun).
  • <5> OS Card Reference: Md Military Arch 2 1884 188 (G T Clark).
  • <6> OS Card Reference: VCH Kent 1 1906 481 plan.
  • <7> OS Card Reference: Rec 6" (Anon undated).
  • <8> OS Card Reference: F1 AC 03-AUG-59.
  • <9> OS Card Reference: F2 FGA 19-FEB-64.
  • <10> OS Card Reference: MHLG Malling RD Kent May 1950 56.
  • <11> OS Card Reference: The Buildings of England West Kent and the Weald 1980 380 (J Newman).
  • <12> OS Card Reference: Md Military Architecture in Eng 2 1884 188-9 (G T Clark).
  • <13> OS Card Reference: Moated Site Res Grp 6 1979 47 (ed C J Bond).
  • <14> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 93 1977 22 (T Tatton-Brown).
  • <15> OS Card Reference: DOE (IAM) Ancient Monuments Eng 2 1978 112.
  • <16> Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 65 NE 19 - August, 1959.
  • <17> Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 65 NE 19 - February, 1964.
  • <18> Unpublished document: CAT Apr. 1997(66).
  • <19> Unpublished document: Summary report on a supplimentary resistivity surveyat Leybourne Castle. Unpub,Stratascan, March 199.
  • <20> Unpublished document: Arch. Eval Report at Leybourne Castle. Unpublished,CAT, March 1998.
  • <21> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological trust. 1998. Archaeological Evaluation at Leybourne Castle, West Malling..
  • <22> Serial: Castle Studies Group. 2003. Castle Studies Group Newsletter 16.
  • <23> Unpublished document: Stratascan. 1998. A summary report on a Supplementary Resistivity Survey carried out at Leybourne Castle, Kent.
  • <24> Unpublished document: Archaeology South-East. 2007. The Chapel, Leybourne Castle, Leybourne, Kent:an archaeological investigation report.
  • <25> Unpublished document: Victor Smith and Andrew Saunders. 2001. Kent's Defence Heritage.
  • <26> Unpublished document: Stratascan. 1998. A Report for Neilly-Smith Architecture LTD on a Geophysical Survey carried out at Leybourne Castle, Leybourne, Kent.
  • <27>XY Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. [Mapped feature: #36596 castle, ]

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (5)

  • Intrusive Event: Evaluation at Leybourne Castle (Ref: LCWM98) (EKE5373)
  • Intrusive Event: Excavation at the chapel, Leybourne Castle, Leybourne (Ref: Project: 2811) (EKE9253)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Resistivity and magnetometer survey at Leybourne Castle (EKE10003)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Supplementary Resistivity Survey at Leybourne Castle. (EKE5378)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching Brief at Leybourne Castle, Leybourne (Ref: Project: 2811) (EKE20780)

Related Thematic Articles (1)

Record last edited

Jun 3 2021 12:21PM