Listed Building record TQ 65 NE 202 - LEYBOURNE CASTLE
Grid reference | TQ 6886 5891 (point) |
Map sheet | TQ65NE |
County | KENT |
Type and Period (6)
Full Description
1959, LEYBOURNE CASTLE. (Photograph). SKE1445.
Jarman, C., 1997, Results of Watching brief at Leybourne Castle, West Malling. (Unpublished document). SKE53837.
<1> OS 6" 1936 (OS Card Reference). SKE48337.
<2> The Castles of England 1 1897 29 (J D Mackenzie) (OS Card Reference). SKE50255.
<3> The Castle of Gt Britain 1953 240 (S Toy) (OS Card Reference). SKE50254.
<4> The English Castle 1936 92 (H Braun) (OS Card Reference). SKE50346.
<5> Md Military Arch 2 1884 188 (G T Clark) (OS Card Reference). SKE46671.
<6> VCH Kent 1 1906 481 plan (OS Card Reference). SKE50826.
<7> Rec 6" (Anon undated) (OS Card Reference). SKE49021.
<8> F1 AC 03-AUG-59 (OS Card Reference). SKE41747.
<9> F2 FGA 19-FEB-64 (OS Card Reference). SKE43329.
<10> MHLG Malling RD Kent May 1950 56 (OS Card Reference). SKE46901.
<11> The Buildings of England West Kent and the Weald 1980 380 (J Newman) (OS Card Reference). SKE50232.
<12> Md Military Architecture in Eng 2 1884 188-9 (G T Clark) (OS Card Reference). SKE46673.
<13> Moated Site Res Grp 6 1979 47 (ed C J Bond) (OS Card Reference). SKE47239.
<14> Arch Cant 93 1977 22 (T Tatton-Brown) (OS Card Reference). SKE36139.
<15> DOE (IAM) Ancient Monuments Eng 2 1978 112 (OS Card Reference). SKE40709.
<16> Field report for monument TQ 65 NE 19 - August, 1959 (Bibliographic reference). SKE3309.
<17> Field report for monument TQ 65 NE 19 - February, 1964 (Bibliographic reference). SKE3310.
<18> Untitled Source, CAT Apr. 1997(66) (Unpublished document). SKE6451.
<19> Untitled Source, Summary report on a supplimentary resistivity surveyat Leybourne Castle. Unpub,Stratascan, March 199 (Unpublished document). SKE6451.
<20> Untitled Source, Arch. Eval Report at Leybourne Castle. Unpublished,CAT, March 1998 (Unpublished document). SKE6451.
<21> Canterbury Archaeological trust, 1998, Archaeological Evaluation at Leybourne Castle, West Malling. (Unpublished document). SKE7275.
<22> Castle Studies Group, 2003, Castle Studies Group Newsletter 16 (Serial). SKE12008.
<23> Stratascan, 1998, A summary report on a Supplementary Resistivity Survey carried out at Leybourne Castle, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE7282.
<24> Archaeology South-East, 2007, The Chapel, Leybourne Castle, Leybourne, Kent:an archaeological investigation report (Unpublished document). SKE12960.
<25> Victor Smith and Andrew Saunders, 2001, Kent's Defence Heritage (Unpublished document). SKE6956.
<26> Stratascan, 1998, A Report for Neilly-Smith Architecture LTD on a Geophysical Survey carried out at Leybourne Castle, Leybourne, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE15634.
<27> English Heritage, List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest (Map). SKE16160.
Sources/Archives (29)
- --- SKE1445 Photograph: 1959. LEYBOURNE CASTLE.. OS59/F311/5. Black and White. Negative.
- --- SKE53837 Unpublished document: Jarman, C.. 1997. Results of Watching brief at Leybourne Castle, West Malling..
- <1> SKE48337 OS Card Reference: OS 6" 1936.
- <2> SKE50255 OS Card Reference: The Castles of England 1 1897 29 (J D Mackenzie).
- <3> SKE50254 OS Card Reference: The Castle of Gt Britain 1953 240 (S Toy).
- <4> SKE50346 OS Card Reference: The English Castle 1936 92 (H Braun).
- <5> SKE46671 OS Card Reference: Md Military Arch 2 1884 188 (G T Clark).
- <6> SKE50826 OS Card Reference: VCH Kent 1 1906 481 plan.
- <7> SKE49021 OS Card Reference: Rec 6" (Anon undated).
- <8> SKE41747 OS Card Reference: F1 AC 03-AUG-59.
- <9> SKE43329 OS Card Reference: F2 FGA 19-FEB-64.
- <10> SKE46901 OS Card Reference: MHLG Malling RD Kent May 1950 56.
- <11> SKE50232 OS Card Reference: The Buildings of England West Kent and the Weald 1980 380 (J Newman).
- <12> SKE46673 OS Card Reference: Md Military Architecture in Eng 2 1884 188-9 (G T Clark).
- <13> SKE47239 OS Card Reference: Moated Site Res Grp 6 1979 47 (ed C J Bond).
- <14> SKE36139 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 93 1977 22 (T Tatton-Brown).
- <15> SKE40709 OS Card Reference: DOE (IAM) Ancient Monuments Eng 2 1978 112.
- <16> SKE3309 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 65 NE 19 - August, 1959.
- <17> SKE3310 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 65 NE 19 - February, 1964.
- <18> SKE6451 Unpublished document: CAT Apr. 1997(66).
- <19> SKE6451 Unpublished document: Summary report on a supplimentary resistivity surveyat Leybourne Castle. Unpub,Stratascan, March 199.
- <20> SKE6451 Unpublished document: Arch. Eval Report at Leybourne Castle. Unpublished,CAT, March 1998.
- <21> SKE7275 Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological trust. 1998. Archaeological Evaluation at Leybourne Castle, West Malling..
- <22> SKE12008 Serial: Castle Studies Group. 2003. Castle Studies Group Newsletter 16.
- <23> SKE7282 Unpublished document: Stratascan. 1998. A summary report on a Supplementary Resistivity Survey carried out at Leybourne Castle, Kent.
- <24> SKE12960 Unpublished document: Archaeology South-East. 2007. The Chapel, Leybourne Castle, Leybourne, Kent:an archaeological investigation report.
- <25> SKE6956 Unpublished document: Victor Smith and Andrew Saunders. 2001. Kent's Defence Heritage.
- <26> SKE15634 Unpublished document: Stratascan. 1998. A Report for Neilly-Smith Architecture LTD on a Geophysical Survey carried out at Leybourne Castle, Leybourne, Kent.
- <27>XY SKE16160 Map: English Heritage. List of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest. [Mapped feature: #36596 castle, ]
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (0)
Related Events/Activities (5)
- Intrusive Event: Evaluation at Leybourne Castle (Ref: LCWM98) (EKE5373)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation at the chapel, Leybourne Castle, Leybourne (Ref: Project: 2811) (EKE9253)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Resistivity and magnetometer survey at Leybourne Castle (EKE10003)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Supplementary Resistivity Survey at Leybourne Castle. (EKE5378)
- Intrusive Event: Watching Brief at Leybourne Castle, Leybourne (Ref: Project: 2811) (EKE20780)
Related Thematic Articles (1)
Record last edited
Jun 3 2021 12:21PM