Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE7401 - Archaeological Watching Brief at Eaglesden Farm, Mill Street, Iden Green, Kent

Title Archaeological Watching Brief at Eaglesden Farm, Mill Street, Iden Green, Kent
Date/Year 1999


Watching brief on construction of new access to land. This revealed evidence for the Roman road from Rochester to Hastings in the form of a linear cut into the natural. Parallel to the cut(?) for the road was a ditch. There was no dating evidence from either the cut for the road or the ditch.

External Links (0)



Kent County Council Heritage 1999/42

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Roman Road and Ditch at Eaglesden Farm, Iden Green (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE5462 Watching Brief at Eaglesden Farm, Mill Street, Iden Green (Ref: Project 1084)

Record last edited

Feb 9 2015 9:45AM