Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE7545 - Report on Evaluation Trenching off Hillcrest Gardens, Mill Hill, Deal

Title Report on Evaluation Trenching off Hillcrest Gardens, Mill Hill, Deal
Date/Year 2001


An evaluation trench dug for new house developmnet uncovered five features, four gullies and a pit. A part from a single pot-sherd, LIA-E Roman, all material recovered consists of prehistoric struck flints consistant with a broad Neolithic-Bronze Age date.

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Kent County Council Heritage 2001/33

Referenced Monuments (1)

  • Prehistoric or Late Iron Age/Roman feautres off Hillcrest Gardens, Mill Hill, Deal (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE5591 Evaluation off Hillcrest Gardens, Mill Hill 2001 (Ref: DAG Site HCG-01)

Record last edited

Sep 23 2014 2:33PM