Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE7990 - Assessment of an Excavation at South Willesborough, Ashford

Title Assessment of an Excavation at South Willesborough, Ashford
Date/Year 2002


Following on from evaluation work in February 2001 which revealed evidence of Iron Age/Romano-British and earlier activity, this new work uncovered more Iron Age/Romano-British pits and hearths (with no dating evidence). An Iron Age cremation of an infant was also recovered, possibly associated with nearby pits.

External Links (0)



Kent County Council Heritage 2002/28

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Iron Age infant cremation, South Willesborough, Ashford (Monument)
  • Late Iron Age/early Roman occupation site, South Willesborough, Ashford (Monument)
  • Late Neolithic/early Bronze Age site, South Willesborough, Ashford (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE5858 Excavation at South Willesborough, Ashford, 2001 (Ref: SWI 01)

Record last edited

Feb 21 2002 12:00AM