Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE8263 - Land North of Pope's Lane, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent: Gradiometer Survey

Title Land North of Pope's Lane, Sturry, Canterbury, Kent: Gradiometer Survey
Date/Year 1998


Gradiometer survey over area where early medieval activity had been revealed through trial excavation. The survey recorded a number of magnetic anomalies which were interpreted as further sunken-floored structures and one linear ditch.

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Kent County Council Heritage 2002/240

Referenced Monuments (2)

  • Early-Mid Saxon Occupation Site, Popes Lane, Sturry (Monument)
  • Early-Mid Saxon Occupation Site, Popes Lane, Sturry (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE6006 Gradiometer survey north of Popes Lane, Sturry (Ref: ASC-97/25)

Record last edited

Feb 10 2012 1:44PM