Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SWX6727 - An Archaeological Watching Brief along the route of Telewest Communication cable trenches, Rochester

Title An Archaeological Watching Brief along the route of Telewest Communication cable trenches, Rochester
Date/Year 1998


Described by the author as one of the most important watching briefs in Rochester, the works focused on the excavation of cable trenches along Boley Hill, St. Margaret's Street, College Yard and the Precinct. The shallow nature of the trenches suggested only disturbed deposits would be encountered. Along Minor Canon Row however, medieval wall fragments were observed within the trench, whilst further fragments were recorded at the junction of the Precinct and the College Yard trenches. In the Boley Hilll and St. Margaret's street trenches earlier cobble and gravel surfaces were observed.

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Kent County Council Heritage 1998/48

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Medieval and post medieval wall fragments, Boley Hill, Rochester (Monument)
  • Post medieval structural remains, Boley Hill, St. Margaret's Street and Minor Canon Row, Rochester (Monument)
  • The 'Great' Gate or 'Almoner's' Gate, Rochester Cathedral (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE8790 Watching brief of Telewest Communication Cable Trenches, Rochester (Ref: TR 98)

Record last edited

Apr 15 2005 10:29AM