Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SWX7254 - Hoo St. Werburgh WTW and Transfer Pipeline, Kent. Archaeological Watching Brief and Recording Action. Assessment Report.

Title Hoo St. Werburgh WTW and Transfer Pipeline, Kent. Archaeological Watching Brief and Recording Action. Assessment Report.
Date/Year 2000


A watching brief on a water pipeline construction project between the Hoo Wastewater Treatment Works and Whitewall Creek, revealed two well defined clusters of archaeological features. They were within an area identified for continuous archaeological observation, alongside a more general watching brief (see Wessex DBA 1999/35). Two main phases of archaeological activity were represented, dating to the Late Bronze Age and the Early/Middle Saxon Period, with limited traces of intermediate Romano-British activity. See also the final Draft report (KCC 2001/212).

External Links (0)


Copied by the North Kent Project


Wessex Archaeology Heritage 2000/124

Referenced Monuments (3)

  • Early to Middle Saxon Features south of Hoo St. Werburgh (Monument)
  • Late Bronze Age features south of Hoo St.Werburgh Vicarage (Monument)
  • Romano-British features south of Hoo St. Werburgh (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE8657 Hoo St Werburgh WTW & Transfer Pipeline, Kent: Watching Brief, Recording Action and Assessment Report (Ref: 44015a)

Record last edited

Mar 8 2005 9:53AM