Source/Archive record (Article in serial) SWX7681 - A preliminary note on briquetage from the Upchurch Marshes
Title | A preliminary note on briquetage from the Upchurch Marshes |
Author/Originator | Jackson, I. |
Date/Year | 1975 |
copied by the North Kent Project
External Links (0)
Kent Archaeological Review
Centre for Kentish Studies
Referenced Monuments (8)
- TQ 87 SE 1007 1st century ditches and salt winning remains (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1058 Cremation group (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 9 Early Iron Age briquetage site (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1060 Iron Age pottery sherd (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NW 1096 Pottery find including urn (Findspot)
- TQ 86 NW 9 Probable site of Romano-British pottery kiln (Monument)
- TQ 86 NE 1059 Roman kiln debris and pottery (Monument)
- TQ 87 SE 31 Roman pottery (Findspot)
Referenced Events (0)
Record last edited
Mar 13 2001 12:00AM