Thesaurus Term/Concept: PLOUGH HEADLAND
Identifier | 68627 |
Status | Preferred |
Index? | Yes |
Scope Note | A narrow strip of land where a plough and team could turn. This usually remains higher than the ploughed land. |
Broader Terms/Concepts (1)
Related Terms/Concepts (2)
Narrower Terms/Concepts (0)
Instances/Examples (4)
Context | Record |
Monument Type | MKE99320 Hollow way, plough headlands and platforms, 200m south west of Woodside Farm, Benenden (Monument) |
Monument Type | MKE122974 Linear bank and ditch of uncertain date, possibly a former field boundary or plough headland (Monument) |
Monument Type | MKE99302 Quarry, plough headlands and lynchets, south east of Beneden (Monument) |
Monument Type | MKE99299 Ridge and furrow, plough headlands, and hollow way, Benenden (Monument) |