Monument record TR 15 NE 1892 - Late Bronze Age / Early Iron Age, Roman and Medieval remains, New Dover Road


An archaeological strip and map and sample excavation was undertaken on land adjacent to the park and ride, New Dover Road in 2014. Only an interim report is available at present but it records Late Bronze Age / Early Iron Age, Roman and Medieval remains as having been found.


Grid reference TR 1637 5587 (point)
Map sheet TR15NE
County KENT


Type and Period (8)

Full Description

An archaeological strip and map and sample excavation was undertaken on land adjacent to the park and ride, New Dover Road in 2014. Only an interim report is available at present but it records Late Bronze Age / Early Iron Age, Roman and Medieval remains as having been found.

During the late Bronze Age to middle Iron Age field systems were laid out as evidenced by two boundary ditches. Four inter-cutting pits showed evidence of middle Iron Age activity. Other isolated pits and ditch segments may also prove to be prehistoric in date. These prehistoric features may suggest a settlement boundary that could be lying close by.

In the early Roman period (late first to early second century) there seems to have been a change in land use, evidenced by the change in orientation of the ditch systems observed. The prehistoric ditches were aligned approximately north-west to south-east whilst the proposed Roman ditches are aligned north to south. The later ditches are perpendicular to the course of the known Roman road into Canterbury. This activity is indicative of the establishment of field plots on agricultural land to the south of the Roman city.

Medieval land use is demonstrated by a field boundary and possible drove-way. Like the Roman field boundary, the medieval ditch is perpendicular to the course of New Dover Road. A cluster of pits cut into the southernmost ditch of the proposed drove-way is evidence of later, possibly medieval activity.(1)

<1> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 2014, New Dover Road, Park and Ride, Car Park Extension, Canterbury, Kent, Archaeological Excavation Interim Report (Unpublished document). SKE52060.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 2014. New Dover Road, Park and Ride, Car Park Extension, Canterbury, Kent, Archaeological Excavation Interim Report.

Finds (3)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Intrusive Event: New Dover Road, Park and Ride, Car Park Extension, Canterbury, Kent, Archaeological Excavation Interim Report (Ref: 2014/68) (EKE17881)

Record last edited

Feb 26 2021 1:30PM