Monument record TR 36 SW 475 - Late Bronze Age pit within mortuary feature - Cliffs End Farm, Ramsgate


During excavations ahead of the development of a site at Cliffsend Farm near Ramsgate, a complex group of prehistoric features including a a large mortuary feature was discovered. The mortuary feature had a long period of use but its focus in the earlies phase of use (Later Bronze Age) was a large pit. This pit contained multiple articulated human bodies alongside a large assemblage of disarticulated human and animal remains. (location accurate to the nearest 1m based on available information)


Grid reference Centred TR 3486 6432 (4m by 3m)
Map sheet TR36SW
County KENT


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

<1> Wessex Archaeology, 2005, Cliffs End Farm, Ramsgate, Kent: Archaeological Assessment Report (Unpublished document). SKE13692.

<2> Jacqueline I. McKinley, Jörn Schuster and Andrew Millard, 2013, Dead-sea connections: A Bronze Age and Iron Age ritual site on the Isle of Thanet (Bibliographic reference). SKE24068.

<3> Wessex Archaeology, 2014, Cliffs End Farm, Isle of Thanet, Kent: a mortuary and ritual site of the Bronze Age, Iron Age and Anglo-Saxon period (Bibliographic reference). SKE30562.

Sources/Archives (3)

  • <1>XY Unpublished document: Wessex Archaeology. 2005. Cliffs End Farm, Ramsgate, Kent: Archaeological Assessment Report. [Mapped feature: #124194 burial pit, ]
  • <2> Bibliographic reference: Jacqueline I. McKinley, Jörn Schuster and Andrew Millard. 2013. Dead-sea connections: A Bronze Age and Iron Age ritual site on the Isle of Thanet.
  • <3> Bibliographic reference: Wessex Archaeology. 2014. Cliffs End Farm, Isle of Thanet, Kent: a mortuary and ritual site of the Bronze Age, Iron Age and Anglo-Saxon period.

Finds (2)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (3)

  • Event Boundary: Archaeological evaluation at Cliffs End Farm, Thanet, 2004 (EKE13915)
  • Intrusive Event: Excavation at Cliffs End Farm, Ramsgate (Ref: 56950.04) (EKE23067)
  • Event Boundary: Excavation at Cliffs End Farm, Ramsgate, 2004-5 (Ref: 56950.04) (EKE9955)

Record last edited

Apr 30 2024 6:09PM