Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE13692 - Cliffs End Farm, Ramsgate, Kent: Archaeological Assessment Report

Title Cliffs End Farm, Ramsgate, Kent: Archaeological Assessment Report
Date/Year 2005


Post excavation assessment of the Cliffs End Farm site.

External Links (0)


Unpublished document


Kent County Council Heritage 2006/161

Referenced Monuments (15)

  • Anglo-Saxon Cemetery, Cliffs End Farm, Ramsgate (Monument)
  • Early Bronze Age Barrow 1 - Cliffsend Farm, Ramsgate, Thanet (Monument)
  • Early Bronze Age Barrow 2 - Cliffsend Farm, Ramsgate, Thanet (Monument)
  • Early Bronze Age Barrow 3 - Cliffsend Farm, Ramsgate, Thanet (Monument)
  • Early Bronze Age Barrow 4 - Cliffsend Farm, Ramsgate, Thanet (Monument)
  • Early Bronze Age Barrow 5 - Cliffsend Farm, Ramsgate, Thanet (Monument)
  • Early Bronze Age Barrow 6 - Cliffsend Farm, Ramsgate, Thanet (Monument)
  • Late bronze age enclosure - the 'Central enclosure', Cliffs End Farm, Ramsgate (Monument)
  • Late bronze age enclosure - the 'southern enclosure', Cliffs End Farm (Monument)
  • Late bronze age enclosure (northern enclosure) and other features found at Cliffs End Farm. (Monument)
  • Late Bronze Age linear features - Cliffs End Farm, Ramsgate (Monument)
  • Late Bronze Age pit within mortuary feature - Cliffs End Farm, Ramsgate (Monument)
  • Late Bronze Age/Iron Age ritual and mortuary site, Cliffs End Farm, Ramsgate (Monument)
  • Medieval ditch and pit, Cliffs End Farm (Monument)
  • Possible neolithic pit, neolithic pottery and mesolithic and neolithic flints at Cliffs End Farm, Ramsgate. (Monument)

Referenced Events (2)

  • EKE23067 Excavation at Cliffs End Farm, Ramsgate (Ref: 56950.04)
  • EKE9955 Excavation at Cliffs End Farm, Ramsgate, 2004-5 (Ref: 56950.04)

Record last edited

Feb 18 2015 1:07PM