Monument record TR 34 SW 592 - Site of Clerks Pier, Dover Western Docks.


The harbour in its present position at the foot of the Western Heights is Late Medieval and dates from the reign of Henry VII, when John Clerk, Master of the Maison Dieu, built a pier with two forts. This pier was extended and consolidated throughout the later Medieval, post medieval and modern periods to form the harbour which is present today. (location accurate to the nearest 50m based on available information).


Grid reference Centred TR 3168 4028 (243m by 52m) Estimated from sources
Map sheet TR34SW
County KENT
District DOVER, KENT


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

<1> Alec Macdonald, 1937, Archaeologia Cantiana: Plans of Dover Harbour in the Sixteenth Century Vol. 49 (Article in serial). SKE31789.

<2> William Van Mildert, 1828, A Short Historical sketch of the Town of Dover and its Neighbourhood. (Monograph). SKE32004.

<3> John Thompson, 1532, A platt of the Works done (Map). SKE31975.

<4> Thomas Digges, 1581, The State of Dover Haven (Map). SKE31984.

<5> Thomas Digges, 1588, Plan of Work at Dover Harbour (Map). SKE31986.

<6> Thomas Digges, 1595, The state of Dover Haven with the New workes (Map). SKE31987.

<7> William Eldred (?), 1631, Plan of lands belonging to the Priory and now to Master Buffkyn (Map). SKE31988.

<8> William Eldred, 1641, The Platt of Dover Castle Towne and Harbor (Map). SKE31804.

<9> William Van Mildert, 1828, A Short Historical sketch of the Town of Dover and its Neighbourhood. (Monograph). SKE32004.

<10> Maritime Archaeology, 2008, Dover Terminal 2 -EIA: Historic environmental assessment report (Unpublished document). SKE29382.

<11> Maritime Archaeology, 2008, Dover Terminal 2 EIA: Historic Environment Baseline Report Volume 1 (Unpublished document). SKE31717.

Sources/Archives (11)

  • <1> Article in serial: Alec Macdonald. 1937. Archaeologia Cantiana: Plans of Dover Harbour in the Sixteenth Century Vol. 49. Vol. 49 pp. 108-126.
  • <2> Monograph: William Van Mildert. 1828. A Short Historical sketch of the Town of Dover and its Neighbourhood..
  • <3> Map: John Thompson. 1532. A platt of the Works done. Photocopy. Unknown.
  • <4> Map: Thomas Digges. 1581. The State of Dover Haven. Photocopy. Unknown.
  • <5> Map: Thomas Digges. 1588. Plan of Work at Dover Harbour. Unknown. Unknown.
  • <6> Map: Thomas Digges. 1595. The state of Dover Haven with the New workes. Unknown. Unknown.
  • <7> Map: William Eldred (?). 1631. Plan of lands belonging to the Priory and now to Master Buffkyn. Unknown. Unknown.
  • <8> Map: William Eldred. 1641. The Platt of Dover Castle Towne and Harbor.
  • <9> Monograph: William Van Mildert. 1828. A Short Historical sketch of the Town of Dover and its Neighbourhood..
  • <10> Unpublished document: Maritime Archaeology. 2008. Dover Terminal 2 -EIA: Historic environmental assessment report.
  • <11> Unpublished document: Maritime Archaeology. 2008. Dover Terminal 2 EIA: Historic Environment Baseline Report Volume 1.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (1)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Non-Intrusive Event: Dover Terminal 2 -EIA: Historic Environment assessment and Impact and Mitigation Assessment (Ref: MA: 1779) (EKE15433)

Record last edited

Jun 7 2019 12:02PM