Monument record TQ 67 SW 258 - Medieval site at Northfleet East GIS Substation, Springhead


A medieval settlement dated to the 11th - 12th century AD with associated field system.


Grid reference TQ 6216 7253 (point) From rectified plan
Map sheet TQ67SW


Type and Period (10)

Full Description

During evaluation work in January 1999, three pits and three ditches were found containing pottery dated to the 11th - 12th century AD. In addition three fragments of Roman pottery, and prehistoric flint finds were also recovered (TQ 67 SW 259 & TQ 67 SW 260). (1)

On the basis of the evaluation findings, an excavation took place in August 1999. Further evidence of medieval occupation and settlement was recovered. This took the form of field boundaries, paddocks and vestigal structural remains, dating to the 11th and 12th centuries. A monograph published in 2001 detailed these findings, suggesting that the remains were part of a settlement known as Wenifalle in the late 12th century, which survived as a nearby farm, Wingfield Bank, until the 20th century.
The history of the site has been divided into three phases of activity. In phase 1, from the late 11th to early 12th century a structure existed at the east edge of the site. Postholes, beam slots and burnt patches have been interpreted as a two-roomed, timber and earthen building, with a hearth in the northern room. A further series of postholes and gullies along the north edge of site represent a possible second building. Two large hollows adjacent to these buildings have been interpreted as either late sunken feature buildings or shallow quarrying of sand and clay for the buildings. To the west of the site a chalk surface, hearth and beam slot were recorded, along with gullies linking these to the activity to the north. In phase 2, during the early to mid 12th century a central enclosure existed (which now surrounds a pylon base and could not be investigated), along with a possible access way to the west and paddock to the south east. The deposition of domestic material around this enclosure has been interpreted as evidence of a dwelling within the enclosure, under the pylon. In the final phase from the mid to late 12th century, the area was redivided with more substantial field boundary ditches, sometimes replacing existing boundaries. Few finds were recovered and no apparent effort was made to recut (maintain?) the ditches, suggesting a shift or shrinkage of the settlement to the north.
The only pre-medieval activity identified was residual Roman pottery and ceramic building material in the ditch fills. No features were dated to that period.
One post medieval shallow pit was recorded, that produced a quantity of late medieval or early post medieval tile fragments. (2)

In 2007 Oxford Archaeology carried out an evaluation of land immediately to the north. The medieval ditches were found to continue across this area. (3)

In 2008 Oxford Archaeology excavated the adjacent site to the north. Medieval field boundaries were found across the site. Pottery of the 12th-14th century was found in some ditches. An oven or hearth was found located in the upper fills of a Roman cellar; it contained pottery of the 12th century. A waterhole or well was also found. (4)

<1> Oxford Archaeological Unit, 1999, Northfleet East GIS Substation, Springhead, Kent: Archaeological Evaluation Report (Unpublished document). SKE12210.

<2> Oxford Archaeology, 2001, The Excavation of a Medieval Rural Settlement at the Pepper Hill Lane Electricity Substation, Northfleet, Kent. (Monograph). SKE12224.

<3> Oxford Archaeology, 2007, Land at Wingfield Bank Northfleet Gravesend Kent Archaeological Evaluation Report (Unpublished document). SKE13490.

<4> Oxford Archaeology, 2008, Land at Wingfield Bank, Northfleet, Kent: Post Excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design (Unpublished document). SKE24767.

Sources/Archives (4)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Oxford Archaeological Unit. 1999. Northfleet East GIS Substation, Springhead, Kent: Archaeological Evaluation Report.
  • <2> Monograph: Oxford Archaeology. 2001. The Excavation of a Medieval Rural Settlement at the Pepper Hill Lane Electricity Substation, Northfleet, Kent..
  • <3> Unpublished document: Oxford Archaeology. 2007. Land at Wingfield Bank Northfleet Gravesend Kent Archaeological Evaluation Report.
  • <4> Unpublished document: Oxford Archaeology. 2008. Land at Wingfield Bank, Northfleet, Kent: Post Excavation Assessment and Updated Project Design.

Finds (12)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (3)

  • Intrusive Event: Evaluation at Northfleet East GIS Substation, Springhead, Gravesend (EKE8521)
  • Intrusive Event: Excavation at the Pepper Hill Lane Electricity Substation, Northfleet (EKE8535)
  • Intrusive Event: Excavation of land at Wingfield Bank, Northfleet (Ref: NFWB08) (EKE12988)

Record last edited

Jul 10 2013 11:41AM