Monument record TR 34 SW 22 - Remains of St Martin's Priory and 19th century Dover College


The Priory of St. Mary the Virgin and St. Martin of the New Work, Dover, was founded for Augustinian Canons in 1131 who were replaced by Benedictines in 1136. It was dissolved in 1535. the remaining original priory buildings include the refectory the strangers hall and the gatehouse, all of which have been restored and are now in use by Dover College. (location accurate to the nearest 1m based on available information)


Grid reference Centred TR 3146 4160 (201m by 189m) Approximate
Map sheet TR34SW
County KENT
District DOVER, KENT


Type and Period (4)

Full Description

<1> Rev. F. C. Plumptre, 1861, Archaeologia Cantiana: Some account of the remains of the Priory of St. Martins and the church of St. Martin-Le-Grand, at Dover. Vol 4, Arch Cant 4 1861 1-26 (FC Plumptre) (Article in serial). SKE31811.

<2> by David Knowles, R Neville Hadcock, 1971, Medieval religious houses in England and Wales, Med Rel Houses Eng and Wales 1953 64 136 (Knowles and Hadcock) (Bibliographic reference). SKE6370.

<3> Page, W. (ed), 1926, The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Kent Volume II, VCH Kent 2 1926 133-7 (RC Fowler) (Monograph). SKE7944.

<4> Leslie Webster and John Cherry, 1980, Medieval Archaeology: Medieval Britain in 1979 Vol. 24, Med Arch 24 1980 239 (B Philp) (Article in serial). SKE32324.

<5> Leslie Webster and John Cherry, 1979, Medieval Archaeology: Medieval Britain in 1978 Vol. 23 (Article in serial). SKE31826.

<6> John Newman, 1969, The Buildings of England: North East and East Kent, The Bldgs of Eng NE and East Kent 1983 300-301 (J Newman) (Monograph). SKE7874.

<7> A. W. Clapham, 1929, Archaeological journal: Proceedings At Meetings Vol. 86, Arch 5 86 1929 251 (WP Lee) (Article in serial). SKE32117.

<8> BY MACKENZIE E. C. WALCOTT, B.D., F.R.S.L., Tf.S.A..,, 1868, Archaeologia Cantiana: Inventories of St. Marys Hospital of Maison Dieu, Dover; The Benedictine Priory of St. Martin New-Work, Dover, for monks; the Benedictine Priory of SS. Mary and Sexburga, in the Isle of Sheppy for nuns. Vol 7, Arch Cant 7 1868 281-87 (MEC Walcott) (Article in serial). SKE31893.

<9> A. H. Thompson, 1913, English Monasteries, Eng Monasteries 1923 10 (AH Thompson) (Monograph). SKE32325.

<10> E. F. Astley, 1884, Journal of the British Archaeological Association - St Martins Priory. Vol. 40, JBAA 40 1884 52-5 (EF Astley) (Article in serial). SKE32326.

<11> Right Reverend Doctor Thomas Tanner, 1744, Notitia monastica: or, an account of all the abbies, priories, and houses of friers, heretofore in England and Wales; and also of all the colleges and hospitals founded before A.D. MDXL., Notitia Monastica Kent 21 1787 (Naismith) (Monograph). SKE32327.

<12> M. W. Thompson, 1986, Archaeological Journal - Associated Monasteries and Castles in the Middle Ages: A Tentative List. Vol 143
Archaeological Journal - Associated Monasteries and Castles in the Middle Ages: A Tentative List. Vol 143, Arch J 143 1986 312 (MW Thompson)
(Article in serial). SKE32328.

<13> English Heritage, Register of Scheduled Monuments (Scheduling record). SKE16191.

<14> Historic England, National Heritage List for England (Index). SKE29372.

<15> Historic England, Archive material associated with St Martins Priory, Dover, Scheduled Monument (Archive). SKE55364.

Sources/Archives (15)

  • <1> Article in serial: Rev. F. C. Plumptre. 1861. Archaeologia Cantiana: Some account of the remains of the Priory of St. Martins and the church of St. Martin-Le-Grand, at Dover. Vol 4. Vol. 4 pp. 1-26. Arch Cant 4 1861 1-26 (FC Plumptre).
  • <2> Bibliographic reference: by David Knowles, R Neville Hadcock. 1971. Medieval religious houses in England and Wales. Med Rel Houses Eng and Wales 1953 64 136 (Knowles and Hadcock).
  • <3> Monograph: Page, W. (ed). 1926. The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Kent Volume II. VCH Kent 2 1926 133-7 (RC Fowler).
  • <4> Article in serial: Leslie Webster and John Cherry. 1980. Medieval Archaeology: Medieval Britain in 1979 Vol. 24. Vol. 24 pp. 218-264. Med Arch 24 1980 239 (B Philp).
  • <5> Article in serial: Leslie Webster and John Cherry. 1979. Medieval Archaeology: Medieval Britain in 1978 Vol. 23. Vol. 23 pp. 234-78.
  • <6> Monograph: John Newman. 1969. The Buildings of England: North East and East Kent. The Bldgs of Eng NE and East Kent 1983 300-301 (J Newman).
  • <7> Article in serial: A. W. Clapham. 1929. Archaeological journal: Proceedings At Meetings Vol. 86. Vol. 86 pp. 235-321. Arch 5 86 1929 251 (WP Lee).
  • <8> Article in serial: BY MACKENZIE E. C. WALCOTT, B.D., F.R.S.L., Tf.S.A..,. 1868. Archaeologia Cantiana: Inventories of St. Marys Hospital of Maison Dieu, Dover; The Benedictine Priory of St. Martin New-Work, Dover, for monks; the Benedictine Priory of SS. Mary and Sexburga, in the Isle of Sheppy for nuns. Vol 7. Vol. 7 pp. 272-306. Arch Cant 7 1868 281-87 (MEC Walcott).
  • <9> Monograph: A. H. Thompson. 1913. English Monasteries. Eng Monasteries 1923 10 (AH Thompson).
  • <10> Article in serial: E. F. Astley. 1884. Journal of the British Archaeological Association - St Martins Priory. Vol. 40. Vol. 40 pp. 52-55. JBAA 40 1884 52-5 (EF Astley).
  • <11> Monograph: Right Reverend Doctor Thomas Tanner. 1744. Notitia monastica: or, an account of all the abbies, priories, and houses of friers, heretofore in England and Wales; and also of all the colleges and hospitals founded before A.D. MDXL.. Notitia Monastica Kent 21 1787 (Naismith).
  • <12> Article in serial: M. W. Thompson. 1986. Archaeological Journal - Associated Monasteries and Castles in the Middle Ages: A Tentative List. Vol 143 Archaeological Journal - Associated Monasteries and Castles in the Middle Ages: A Tentative List. Vol 143. Vol 143 pp. 305-321.. Arch J 143 1986 312 (MW Thompson).
  • <13> Scheduling record: English Heritage. Register of Scheduled Monuments.
  • <14> Index: Historic England. National Heritage List for England.
  • <15> Archive: Historic England. Archive material associated with St Martins Priory, Dover, Scheduled Monument.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (13)

Related Events/Activities (2)

  • Event Boundary: Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit excavation to the north of the Refectory at Dover College (Ref: EI 15354) (EKE4242)
  • Intrusive Event: Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit excavation to the north of the Refectory at Dover College (Ref: EI 15354) (EKE16179)

Record last edited

Mar 16 2023 4:20PM