Monument record TR 34 SW 22 - Remains of St Martin's Priory and 19th century Dover College
Grid reference | Centred TR 3146 4160 (201m by 189m) Approximate |
Map sheet | TR34SW |
County | KENT |
District | DOVER, KENT |
Civil Parish | DOVER, DOVER, KENT |
Type and Period (4)
Full Description
<1> Rev. F. C. Plumptre, 1861, Archaeologia Cantiana: Some account of the remains of the Priory of St. Martins and the church of St. Martin-Le-Grand, at Dover. Vol 4, Arch Cant 4 1861 1-26 (FC Plumptre) (Article in serial). SKE31811.
<2> by David Knowles, R Neville Hadcock, 1971, Medieval religious houses in England and Wales, Med Rel Houses Eng and Wales 1953 64 136 (Knowles and Hadcock) (Bibliographic reference). SKE6370.
<3> Page, W. (ed), 1926, The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Kent Volume II, VCH Kent 2 1926 133-7 (RC Fowler) (Monograph). SKE7944.
<4> Leslie Webster and John Cherry, 1980, Medieval Archaeology: Medieval Britain in 1979 Vol. 24, Med Arch 24 1980 239 (B Philp) (Article in serial). SKE32324.
<5> Leslie Webster and John Cherry, 1979, Medieval Archaeology: Medieval Britain in 1978 Vol. 23 (Article in serial). SKE31826.
<6> John Newman, 1969, The Buildings of England: North East and East Kent, The Bldgs of Eng NE and East Kent 1983 300-301 (J Newman) (Monograph). SKE7874.
<7> A. W. Clapham, 1929, Archaeological journal: Proceedings At Meetings Vol. 86, Arch 5 86 1929 251 (WP Lee) (Article in serial). SKE32117.
<8> BY MACKENZIE E. C. WALCOTT, B.D., F.R.S.L., Tf.S.A..,, 1868, Archaeologia Cantiana: Inventories of St. Marys Hospital of Maison Dieu, Dover; The Benedictine Priory of St. Martin New-Work, Dover, for monks; the Benedictine Priory of SS. Mary and Sexburga, in the Isle of Sheppy for nuns. Vol 7, Arch Cant 7 1868 281-87 (MEC Walcott) (Article in serial). SKE31893.
<9> A. H. Thompson, 1913, English Monasteries, Eng Monasteries 1923 10 (AH Thompson) (Monograph). SKE32325.
<10> E. F. Astley, 1884, Journal of the British Archaeological Association - St Martins Priory. Vol. 40, JBAA 40 1884 52-5 (EF Astley) (Article in serial). SKE32326.
<11> Right Reverend Doctor Thomas Tanner, 1744, Notitia monastica: or, an account of all the abbies, priories, and houses of friers, heretofore in England and Wales; and also of all the colleges and hospitals founded before A.D. MDXL., Notitia Monastica Kent 21 1787 (Naismith) (Monograph). SKE32327.
<12> M. W. Thompson, 1986, Archaeological Journal - Associated Monasteries and Castles in the Middle Ages: A Tentative List. Vol 143
Archaeological Journal - Associated Monasteries and Castles in the Middle Ages: A Tentative List. Vol 143, Arch J 143 1986 312 (MW Thompson) (Article in serial). SKE32328.
<13> English Heritage, Register of Scheduled Monuments (Scheduling record). SKE16191.
<14> Historic England, National Heritage List for England (Index). SKE29372.
<15> Historic England, Archive material associated with St Martins Priory, Dover, Scheduled Monument (Archive). SKE55364.
Sources/Archives (15)
- <1> SKE31811 Article in serial: Rev. F. C. Plumptre. 1861. Archaeologia Cantiana: Some account of the remains of the Priory of St. Martins and the church of St. Martin-Le-Grand, at Dover. Vol 4. Vol. 4 pp. 1-26. Arch Cant 4 1861 1-26 (FC Plumptre).
- <2> SKE6370 Bibliographic reference: by David Knowles, R Neville Hadcock. 1971. Medieval religious houses in England and Wales. Med Rel Houses Eng and Wales 1953 64 136 (Knowles and Hadcock).
- <3> SKE7944 Monograph: Page, W. (ed). 1926. The Victoria History of the Counties of England: Kent Volume II. VCH Kent 2 1926 133-7 (RC Fowler).
- <4> SKE32324 Article in serial: Leslie Webster and John Cherry. 1980. Medieval Archaeology: Medieval Britain in 1979 Vol. 24. Vol. 24 pp. 218-264. Med Arch 24 1980 239 (B Philp).
- <5> SKE31826 Article in serial: Leslie Webster and John Cherry. 1979. Medieval Archaeology: Medieval Britain in 1978 Vol. 23. Vol. 23 pp. 234-78.
- <6> SKE7874 Monograph: John Newman. 1969. The Buildings of England: North East and East Kent. The Bldgs of Eng NE and East Kent 1983 300-301 (J Newman).
- <7> SKE32117 Article in serial: A. W. Clapham. 1929. Archaeological journal: Proceedings At Meetings Vol. 86. Vol. 86 pp. 235-321. Arch 5 86 1929 251 (WP Lee).
- <8> SKE31893 Article in serial: BY MACKENZIE E. C. WALCOTT, B.D., F.R.S.L., Tf.S.A..,. 1868. Archaeologia Cantiana: Inventories of St. Marys Hospital of Maison Dieu, Dover; The Benedictine Priory of St. Martin New-Work, Dover, for monks; the Benedictine Priory of SS. Mary and Sexburga, in the Isle of Sheppy for nuns. Vol 7. Vol. 7 pp. 272-306. Arch Cant 7 1868 281-87 (MEC Walcott).
- <9> SKE32325 Monograph: A. H. Thompson. 1913. English Monasteries. Eng Monasteries 1923 10 (AH Thompson).
- <10> SKE32326 Article in serial: E. F. Astley. 1884. Journal of the British Archaeological Association - St Martins Priory. Vol. 40. Vol. 40 pp. 52-55. JBAA 40 1884 52-5 (EF Astley).
- <11> SKE32327 Monograph: Right Reverend Doctor Thomas Tanner. 1744. Notitia monastica: or, an account of all the abbies, priories, and houses of friers, heretofore in England and Wales; and also of all the colleges and hospitals founded before A.D. MDXL.. Notitia Monastica Kent 21 1787 (Naismith).
- <12> SKE32328 Article in serial: M. W. Thompson. 1986. Archaeological Journal - Associated Monasteries and Castles in the Middle Ages: A Tentative List. Vol 143 Archaeological Journal - Associated Monasteries and Castles in the Middle Ages: A Tentative List. Vol 143. Vol 143 pp. 305-321.. Arch J 143 1986 312 (MW Thompson).
- <13> SKE16191 Scheduling record: English Heritage. Register of Scheduled Monuments.
- <14> SKE29372 Index: Historic England. National Heritage List for England.
- <15> SKE55364 Archive: Historic England. Archive material associated with St Martins Priory, Dover, Scheduled Monument.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (13)
- Parent of: Building remains at Dover Priory, Effingham Street, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 248)
- Parent of: Decorated stones from Dover Priory, Effingham Street, Dover (Findspot) (TR 34 SW 1859)
- Parent of: LIBRARY DOVER COLLEGE, FOLKESTONE ROAD, DOVER (Listed Building) (TR 34 SW 850)
- Parent of: Masonry structure within the grounds of Dover Priory, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 238)
- Parent of: Medieval finds, Dover College (Findspot) (TR 34 SW 2864)
- Parent of: Medieval Wall foundation, Dover College (Monument) (TR 34 SW 2863)
- Parent of: Remains of the Transepts and Nave of St Martin's Priory, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1328)
- Parent of: SCHOOL CHAPEL DOVER COLLEGE (Listed Building) (TR 34 SW 705)
- Parent of: SCHOOL HOUSE, DOVER COLLEGE (Listed Building) (TR 34 SW 710)
- Parent of: Site of the Strangers hall at Dover Priory, Effingham Street, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1327)
- Parent of: THE SCHOOL HALL DOVER COLLEGE (Listed Building) (TR 34 SW 711)
- Parent of: WALL ALONG ELLINGHAM STREET DOVER COLLEGE (Listed Building) (TR 34 SW 874)
Related Events/Activities (2)
- Event Boundary: Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit excavation to the north of the Refectory at Dover College (Ref: EI 15354) (EKE4242)
- Intrusive Event: Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit excavation to the north of the Refectory at Dover College (Ref: EI 15354) (EKE16179)
Record last edited
Mar 16 2023 4:20PM