Monument record TR 34 SW 100 - Site of a Roman Saxon Shore Fort (3rd-4th century), Dover
Grid reference | Centred TR 3190 4142 (134m by 117m) From rectified plan |
Map sheet | TR34SW |
County | KENT |
District | DOVER, KENT |
Civil Parish | DOVER, DOVER, KENT |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
L. Murray Threipland, 1957, Archaeologia Cantiana, Excavations in Dover Vol. 71 (Article in serial). SKE31703.
Brian and Edna Philp, 1974, CIB: Rescue Excavations in Kent 1972-1974: The Town Centre Excavation in Dover (Article in serial). SKE31869.
<1> E. G. J. Amos and R. E. M. Wheeler, 1929, Archaeological journal: The Saxon Shore fortress at Dover Vol. 86, Arch J 86 1929 47-58 (E G J Amos &R E M Wheeler) (Article in serial). SKE31895.
<2> S. E. Rigold, 1969, The Roman Haven at Dover; Archaeological Journal Vol. 126, Arch J 126 1969 78-100 (S E Rigold) (Article in serial). SKE32373.
<3> Philp, B. J., 1971, Kent Archaeological Review: The Discovery of the Classis Britannia and Saxon Shore Forts at Dover. Vol. 23, KAR 23 1971 74-86 (B Philp) (Article in serial). SKE7856.
<4> John Gaunt, 1974, Kent Archaeological Review: Medieval Jug found near Cane Wood. Vol. 36, KAR 36 1974 162 (H Davies) (Article in serial). SKE31918.
<5> Brian Philp, 1972, Kent Archaeological Review: Progress report from Dover. Vol. 27 (Article in serial). SKE31844.
<6> Philp, B. J., 1984, Kent Archaeological Review: Major Discoveries at Dover 1984. Vol. 78, KAR 78 1984 187-90 (B Philp) (Article in serial). SKE7854.
<7> Johnston, S. (ed), 1977, The Saxon Shore: CBA Report 18, CBA Res Rep 18 The Saxon Shore 1977 1 3 5 7 17 19 20-21 68 73 76 (S Johnston ed) (Article in monograph). SKE7853.
<8> Johnston, S., 1983, Late Roman Fortifications, Late Ro Fortifications 1983 196 204 205 209-11 213 (S Johnston) (Monograph). SKE7852.
<9> Johnston, S., 1976, Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore, Ro Forts of Saxon Shore 1976 10-12 51-3 65 68-9 99-102 104 109 115 119 124 128 151 154 (S Johnson) (Monograph). SKE7857.
<10> Mynott, E., 1981, Kent Archaeologicl Review: Sixteenth CKA Conference Vol. 63, KAR 63 1981 page 54 (E Mynott) (Article in serial). SKE7845.
<12> Philp, B. J., 1972, Kent Archaeological Review: The Excavation and Conservation of the Roman Forts at Dover 1971. Vol. 28, KAR 28 1972 236-244 (B Philp) (Article in serial). SKE7842.
<13> Welsby, D. A., 1982, Roman Military Defence of British Province in its Later Phases: BAR 101, BAR 101 Ro Mil Def of Brit Prov in its later phases 1982 25 (D A Welsby) (Monograph). SKE7848.
<14> Brian Philp, 1983, Kent Archaeological Review: Market Hall Excavation 1982. Vol. 71 (Article in serial). SKE31825.
<15> Brian Philp, 1983, Kent Archaeological Review: Market Hall Excavation 1982. Vol. 71, KAR Vol. 71. (B. Philp) pp. 10-11 (Article in serial). SKE31825.
<16> Wilkinson, D. R. P., 1995, Archaeologia Cantiana, Excavations on the White Cliffs Experience site, Dover, 1988-91. Vol. 114 (Article in serial). SKE31729.
<17> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1997, The Dover Spine Main: A Watching Brief (Unpublished document). SKE7159.
<18> RPS Clouston, 1997, Dover Western Docks Trunk Main Archaeological Report 1997 (Unpublished document). SKE7233.
<19> Victor, G., 1989, Kent Archaeological Review: Destruction in Dover Vol. 96, KAR No.96 1989 p 130 - 136 (Article in serial). SKE7859.
<20> Council for Kentish Archaeology, 1989, Kent Archaeological Review: Destruction in Dover Part II Vol. 98, KAR 1990 No.98 p 190 - 192 (Article in serial). SKE7860.
<21> Smith, K., 1990, Kent Archaeological review: Conservation in Dover Vol. 99, KAR 1990 No.99 p 211 - 213 (Article in serial). SKE7861.
<22> Philp, B. J., 1990, Kent Archaeological Conservation (Destruction) in Dover a Reply. Vol. 99, KAR 1990 No.99 p214 -216 (Article in serial). SKE7862.
<23> Philp, B. J., 1981, The Excavation of the Roman Forts of the Classis Britannica at Dover 1970-1977 (Monograph). SKE7863.
<24> English Heritage, Register of Scheduled Monuments (Scheduling record). SKE16191.
<25> Maritime Archaeology, 2008, Dover Terminal 2 EIA: Historic Environment Baseline Report Volume 1 (Unpublished document). SKE31717.
Sources/Archives (26)
- --- SKE31703 Article in serial: L. Murray Threipland. 1957. Archaeologia Cantiana, Excavations in Dover Vol. 71. Vol. 71 pp. 14- 37.
- --- SKE31869 Article in serial: Brian and Edna Philp. 1974. CIB: Rescue Excavations in Kent 1972-1974: The Town Centre Excavation in Dover. pp. 12-13.
- <1> SKE31895 Article in serial: E. G. J. Amos and R. E. M. Wheeler. 1929. Archaeological journal: The Saxon Shore fortress at Dover Vol. 86. Vol. 86 pp. 47-58. Arch J 86 1929 47-58 (E G J Amos &R E M Wheeler).
- <2> SKE32373 Article in serial: S. E. Rigold. 1969. The Roman Haven at Dover; Archaeological Journal Vol. 126. Vol 126 pp. 79-100. Arch J 126 1969 78-100 (S E Rigold).
- <3> SKE7856 Article in serial: Philp, B. J.. 1971. Kent Archaeological Review: The Discovery of the Classis Britannia and Saxon Shore Forts at Dover. Vol. 23. Vol. 23. pp. 74-86. KAR 23 1971 74-86 (B Philp).
- <4> SKE31918 Article in serial: John Gaunt. 1974. Kent Archaeological Review: Medieval Jug found near Cane Wood. Vol. 36. Vol. 36. pp.171. KAR 36 1974 162 (H Davies).
- <5> SKE31844 Article in serial: Brian Philp. 1972. Kent Archaeological Review: Progress report from Dover. Vol. 27. Vol. 27. pp. 211.
- <6> SKE7854 Article in serial: Philp, B. J.. 1984. Kent Archaeological Review: Major Discoveries at Dover 1984. Vol. 78. Vol. 78 pp. 186-90. KAR 78 1984 187-90 (B Philp).
- <7> SKE7853 Article in monograph: Johnston, S. (ed). 1977. The Saxon Shore: CBA Report 18. CBA Res Rep 18 The Saxon Shore 1977 1 3 5 7 17 19 20-21 68 73 76 (S Johnston ed).
- <8> SKE7852 Monograph: Johnston, S.. 1983. Late Roman Fortifications. Late Ro Fortifications 1983 196 204 205 209-11 213 (S Johnston).
- <9> SKE7857 Monograph: Johnston, S.. 1976. Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore. Ro Forts of Saxon Shore 1976 10-12 51-3 65 68-9 99-102 104 109 115 119 124 128 151 154 (S Johnson).
- <10> SKE7845 Article in serial: Mynott, E.. 1981. Kent Archaeologicl Review: Sixteenth CKA Conference Vol. 63. Vol. 63. pp. 53-54. KAR 63 1981 page 54 (E Mynott).
- <12> SKE7842 Article in serial: Philp, B. J.. 1972. Kent Archaeological Review: The Excavation and Conservation of the Roman Forts at Dover 1971. Vol. 28. Vol. 28. pp. 236-244. KAR 28 1972 236-244 (B Philp).
- <13> SKE7848 Monograph: Welsby, D. A.. 1982. Roman Military Defence of British Province in its Later Phases: BAR 101. BAR 101 Ro Mil Def of Brit Prov in its later phases 1982 25 (D A Welsby).
- <14> SKE31825 Article in serial: Brian Philp. 1983. Kent Archaeological Review: Market Hall Excavation 1982. Vol. 71. Vol 71 (spring 1983) pp. 10-11.
- <15> SKE31825 Article in serial: Brian Philp. 1983. Kent Archaeological Review: Market Hall Excavation 1982. Vol. 71. Vol 71 (spring 1983) pp. 10-11. KAR Vol. 71. (B. Philp) pp. 10-11.
- <16> SKE31729 Article in serial: Wilkinson, D. R. P.. 1995. Archaeologia Cantiana, Excavations on the White Cliffs Experience site, Dover, 1988-91. Vol. 114. Vol. 114 pp. 51-148.
- <17> SKE7159 Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1997. The Dover Spine Main: A Watching Brief.
- <18> SKE7233 Unpublished document: RPS Clouston. 1997. Dover Western Docks Trunk Main Archaeological Report 1997.
- <19> SKE7859 Article in serial: Victor, G.. 1989. Kent Archaeological Review: Destruction in Dover Vol. 96. Vol. 96 pp. 130-136. KAR No.96 1989 p 130 - 136.
- <20> SKE7860 Article in serial: Council for Kentish Archaeology. 1989. Kent Archaeological Review: Destruction in Dover Part II Vol. 98. Vol. 98 pp. 190-192. KAR 1990 No.98 p 190 - 192.
- <21> SKE7861 Article in serial: Smith, K.. 1990. Kent Archaeological review: Conservation in Dover Vol. 99. Vol. 99 pp. 211-213. KAR 1990 No.99 p 211 - 213.
- <22> SKE7862 Article in serial: Philp, B. J.. 1990. Kent Archaeological Conservation (Destruction) in Dover a Reply. Vol. 99. Vol. 99 pp. 213-216. KAR 1990 No.99 p214 -216.
- <23> SKE7863 Monograph: Philp, B. J.. 1981. The Excavation of the Roman Forts of the Classis Britannica at Dover 1970-1977.
- <24> SKE16191 Scheduling record: English Heritage. Register of Scheduled Monuments.
- <25> SKE31717 Unpublished document: Maritime Archaeology. 2008. Dover Terminal 2 EIA: Historic Environment Baseline Report Volume 1.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (29)
- Parent of: Bastion (No 1) of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, located at the Car park site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1688)
- Parent of: Bastion (No 14) of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, located at the Gaol Lane site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1699)
- Parent of: Bastion (No 2) of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, located at the Burial Ground site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1689)
- Parent of: Bastion (No 3) of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, located at the Woodstore site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1704)
- Parent of: Bastion (No 4) of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, located at the Painted House site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1740)
- Parent of: Bastion (No. 15) of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, located at the B.M.W site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1693)
- Parent of: Ditch and foundation trench, near New Street, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1760)
- Parent of: Inserted Gateway in the southern wall of the Roman Saxon Shore Fort at Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1702)
- Parent of: Late Roman metalled surface, Queen Street/Last Lane, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1905)
- Parent of: Metalled surface running through the southern wall of the Roman Saxon Shore Fort at Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1703)
- Parent of: Part of one of the external towers (bastion) on the late Roman Saxon Shore Fort wall (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1199)
- Parent of: Part of the Late Roman Saxon Shore Fort wall, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1198)
- Parent of: Projected line of the Roman Saxon Shore Fort walls and bastions, Dover. (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1742)
- Parent of: Roman Dump layers associated with the late Roman Saxon Shore Fort at Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1193)
- Parent of: Section of the Southern defensive ditch and berm of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, located at the Battle of Britain Homes site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1897)
- Parent of: Section of the southern wall of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, located at the B.M.W site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1692)
- Parent of: Section of the southern wall of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, located at the Car Park site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1697)
- Parent of: Section of the southern wall of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, located at the Gaol Lane site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1698)
- Parent of: Section of the southern wall of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, located at the Warehouse South site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1696)
- Parent of: Section of the west wall of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, bath House site Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1706)
- Parent of: Section of the west wall of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, Car Park and Cause is Altered sites Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1686)
- Parent of: Section of the western defensive ditch and berm of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, located at the Burial Ground site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1691)
- Parent of: Section of the western defensive ditch and berm of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, located at the Cause is Altered site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1687)
- Parent of: Section of the western defensive ditch and berm of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, located at the painted house site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1741)
- Parent of: Section of the western defensive ditch and berm of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, located at the Woodstore Site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1705)
- Parent of: Section of the western wall of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, located at the Burial Ground site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1690)
- Parent of: Section of the western wall of the late Roman Saxon Shore fort, located at the Painted House site, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1739)
- Parent of: South west corner bastion of Dovers Saxon Shore fort, York Street, Dover (Monument) (TR 34 SW 1353)
- Part of: Dover Roman Town and Port, Portus Dubris (Monument) (TR 34 SW 140)
Related Events/Activities (8)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue Excavations Dover Town Centre, B.M.W. Site (EKE4817)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue Excavations Dover Town Centre, Car Park Site, Queen Street (EKE4654)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue Excavations Dover Town Centre, Cause is Altered Public House Site, Princes Street (EKE4650)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue excavations in Dover town centre, Market Hall/Gaol Lane excavation (Ref: EI 15373) (EKE15653)
- Intrusive Event: Rescue Excavations in Dover Town Centre, Woodstore Site (EKE15873)
- Event Boundary: Rescue excavations within Dover Town Centre ahead of development of York Street, Dover (EKE15656)
- Event Boundary: Watching brief on The Dover Spine Main 1996 (EKE5282)
- Intrusive Event: Watching brief on The Dover Spine Main, Area 1b, 1996 (EKE15188)
Record last edited
Feb 21 2020 1:33PM