Monument record TR 34 SW 100 - Site of a Roman Saxon Shore Fort (3rd-4th century), Dover


The site of the Roman Saxon Shore fort of Portus Dubris (Dover). In 1929 Wheeler and Amos postulated that there was a Saxon Shore fort at Dover on the west side of the River Dour, some 5.5 acres in size. In the 1970’s the Kent Archaeological Rescue Unit discovered substantial evidence for the presence of this fort. The Saxon Shore fort of Dover lay on the west bank of the Dour estuary, on ground overshadowed by high hills to the south-west under the modern town. The south and west walls of the fort have been located and form an obtuse angle (see illustration cards). The south wall, 2.42m thick, built of squared tufa and chalk blocks set in a hard white mortar, extends at least 120m eastwards from its junction with the west wall. Within some 5m of this wall was a fort ditch 7.8m wide. Several external towers have been found. One of the towers at least seems to be secondary to the fort's construction. In 1984 at Gaol Lane, excavations revealed further evidence of the south wall which was still standing 15 ft high. (location accurate to the nearest 10m based on available information)


Grid reference Centred TR 3190 4142 (134m by 117m) From rectified plan
Map sheet TR34SW
County KENT
District DOVER, KENT


Type and Period (1)

Full Description

L. Murray Threipland, 1957, Archaeologia Cantiana, Excavations in Dover Vol. 71 (Article in serial). SKE31703.

Brian and Edna Philp, 1974, CIB: Rescue Excavations in Kent 1972-1974: The Town Centre Excavation in Dover (Article in serial). SKE31869.

<1> E. G. J. Amos and R. E. M. Wheeler, 1929, Archaeological journal: The Saxon Shore fortress at Dover Vol. 86, Arch J 86 1929 47-58 (E G J Amos &R E M Wheeler) (Article in serial). SKE31895.

<2> S. E. Rigold, 1969, The Roman Haven at Dover; Archaeological Journal Vol. 126, Arch J 126 1969 78-100 (S E Rigold) (Article in serial). SKE32373.

<3> Philp, B. J., 1971, Kent Archaeological Review: The Discovery of the Classis Britannia and Saxon Shore Forts at Dover. Vol. 23, KAR 23 1971 74-86 (B Philp) (Article in serial). SKE7856.

<4> John Gaunt, 1974, Kent Archaeological Review: Medieval Jug found near Cane Wood. Vol. 36, KAR 36 1974 162 (H Davies) (Article in serial). SKE31918.

<5> Brian Philp, 1972, Kent Archaeological Review: Progress report from Dover. Vol. 27 (Article in serial). SKE31844.

<6> Philp, B. J., 1984, Kent Archaeological Review: Major Discoveries at Dover 1984. Vol. 78, KAR 78 1984 187-90 (B Philp) (Article in serial). SKE7854.

<7> Johnston, S. (ed), 1977, The Saxon Shore: CBA Report 18, CBA Res Rep 18 The Saxon Shore 1977 1 3 5 7 17 19 20-21 68 73 76 (S Johnston ed) (Article in monograph). SKE7853.

<8> Johnston, S., 1983, Late Roman Fortifications, Late Ro Fortifications 1983 196 204 205 209-11 213 (S Johnston) (Monograph). SKE7852.

<9> Johnston, S., 1976, Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore, Ro Forts of Saxon Shore 1976 10-12 51-3 65 68-9 99-102 104 109 115 119 124 128 151 154 (S Johnson) (Monograph). SKE7857.

<10> Mynott, E., 1981, Kent Archaeologicl Review: Sixteenth CKA Conference Vol. 63, KAR 63 1981 page 54 (E Mynott) (Article in serial). SKE7845.

<12> Philp, B. J., 1972, Kent Archaeological Review: The Excavation and Conservation of the Roman Forts at Dover 1971. Vol. 28, KAR 28 1972 236-244 (B Philp) (Article in serial). SKE7842.

<13> Welsby, D. A., 1982, Roman Military Defence of British Province in its Later Phases: BAR 101, BAR 101 Ro Mil Def of Brit Prov in its later phases 1982 25 (D A Welsby) (Monograph). SKE7848.

<14> Brian Philp, 1983, Kent Archaeological Review: Market Hall Excavation 1982. Vol. 71 (Article in serial). SKE31825.

<15> Brian Philp, 1983, Kent Archaeological Review: Market Hall Excavation 1982. Vol. 71, KAR Vol. 71. (B. Philp) pp. 10-11 (Article in serial). SKE31825.

<16> Wilkinson, D. R. P., 1995, Archaeologia Cantiana, Excavations on the White Cliffs Experience site, Dover, 1988-91. Vol. 114 (Article in serial). SKE31729.

<17> Canterbury Archaeological Trust, 1997, The Dover Spine Main: A Watching Brief (Unpublished document). SKE7159.

<18> RPS Clouston, 1997, Dover Western Docks Trunk Main Archaeological Report 1997 (Unpublished document). SKE7233.

<19> Victor, G., 1989, Kent Archaeological Review: Destruction in Dover Vol. 96, KAR No.96 1989 p 130 - 136 (Article in serial). SKE7859.

<20> Council for Kentish Archaeology, 1989, Kent Archaeological Review: Destruction in Dover Part II Vol. 98, KAR 1990 No.98 p 190 - 192 (Article in serial). SKE7860.

<21> Smith, K., 1990, Kent Archaeological review: Conservation in Dover Vol. 99, KAR 1990 No.99 p 211 - 213 (Article in serial). SKE7861.

<22> Philp, B. J., 1990, Kent Archaeological Conservation (Destruction) in Dover a Reply. Vol. 99, KAR 1990 No.99 p214 -216 (Article in serial). SKE7862.

<23> Philp, B. J., 1981, The Excavation of the Roman Forts of the Classis Britannica at Dover 1970-1977 (Monograph). SKE7863.

<24> English Heritage, Register of Scheduled Monuments (Scheduling record). SKE16191.

<25> Maritime Archaeology, 2008, Dover Terminal 2 EIA: Historic Environment Baseline Report Volume 1 (Unpublished document). SKE31717.

Sources/Archives (26)

  • --- Article in serial: L. Murray Threipland. 1957. Archaeologia Cantiana, Excavations in Dover Vol. 71. Vol. 71 pp. 14- 37.
  • --- Article in serial: Brian and Edna Philp. 1974. CIB: Rescue Excavations in Kent 1972-1974: The Town Centre Excavation in Dover. pp. 12-13.
  • <1> Article in serial: E. G. J. Amos and R. E. M. Wheeler. 1929. Archaeological journal: The Saxon Shore fortress at Dover Vol. 86. Vol. 86 pp. 47-58. Arch J 86 1929 47-58 (E G J Amos &R E M Wheeler).
  • <2> Article in serial: S. E. Rigold. 1969. The Roman Haven at Dover; Archaeological Journal Vol. 126. Vol 126 pp. 79-100. Arch J 126 1969 78-100 (S E Rigold).
  • <3> Article in serial: Philp, B. J.. 1971. Kent Archaeological Review: The Discovery of the Classis Britannia and Saxon Shore Forts at Dover. Vol. 23. Vol. 23. pp. 74-86. KAR 23 1971 74-86 (B Philp).
  • <4> Article in serial: John Gaunt. 1974. Kent Archaeological Review: Medieval Jug found near Cane Wood. Vol. 36. Vol. 36. pp.171. KAR 36 1974 162 (H Davies).
  • <5> Article in serial: Brian Philp. 1972. Kent Archaeological Review: Progress report from Dover. Vol. 27. Vol. 27. pp. 211.
  • <6> Article in serial: Philp, B. J.. 1984. Kent Archaeological Review: Major Discoveries at Dover 1984. Vol. 78. Vol. 78 pp. 186-90. KAR 78 1984 187-90 (B Philp).
  • <7> Article in monograph: Johnston, S. (ed). 1977. The Saxon Shore: CBA Report 18. CBA Res Rep 18 The Saxon Shore 1977 1 3 5 7 17 19 20-21 68 73 76 (S Johnston ed).
  • <8> Monograph: Johnston, S.. 1983. Late Roman Fortifications. Late Ro Fortifications 1983 196 204 205 209-11 213 (S Johnston).
  • <9> Monograph: Johnston, S.. 1976. Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore. Ro Forts of Saxon Shore 1976 10-12 51-3 65 68-9 99-102 104 109 115 119 124 128 151 154 (S Johnson).
  • <10> Article in serial: Mynott, E.. 1981. Kent Archaeologicl Review: Sixteenth CKA Conference Vol. 63. Vol. 63. pp. 53-54. KAR 63 1981 page 54 (E Mynott).
  • <12> Article in serial: Philp, B. J.. 1972. Kent Archaeological Review: The Excavation and Conservation of the Roman Forts at Dover 1971. Vol. 28. Vol. 28. pp. 236-244. KAR 28 1972 236-244 (B Philp).
  • <13> Monograph: Welsby, D. A.. 1982. Roman Military Defence of British Province in its Later Phases: BAR 101. BAR 101 Ro Mil Def of Brit Prov in its later phases 1982 25 (D A Welsby).
  • <14> Article in serial: Brian Philp. 1983. Kent Archaeological Review: Market Hall Excavation 1982. Vol. 71. Vol 71 (spring 1983) pp. 10-11.
  • <15> Article in serial: Brian Philp. 1983. Kent Archaeological Review: Market Hall Excavation 1982. Vol. 71. Vol 71 (spring 1983) pp. 10-11. KAR Vol. 71. (B. Philp) pp. 10-11.
  • <16> Article in serial: Wilkinson, D. R. P.. 1995. Archaeologia Cantiana, Excavations on the White Cliffs Experience site, Dover, 1988-91. Vol. 114. Vol. 114 pp. 51-148.
  • <17> Unpublished document: Canterbury Archaeological Trust. 1997. The Dover Spine Main: A Watching Brief.
  • <18> Unpublished document: RPS Clouston. 1997. Dover Western Docks Trunk Main Archaeological Report 1997.
  • <19> Article in serial: Victor, G.. 1989. Kent Archaeological Review: Destruction in Dover Vol. 96. Vol. 96 pp. 130-136. KAR No.96 1989 p 130 - 136.
  • <20> Article in serial: Council for Kentish Archaeology. 1989. Kent Archaeological Review: Destruction in Dover Part II Vol. 98. Vol. 98 pp. 190-192. KAR 1990 No.98 p 190 - 192.
  • <21> Article in serial: Smith, K.. 1990. Kent Archaeological review: Conservation in Dover Vol. 99. Vol. 99 pp. 211-213. KAR 1990 No.99 p 211 - 213.
  • <22> Article in serial: Philp, B. J.. 1990. Kent Archaeological Conservation (Destruction) in Dover a Reply. Vol. 99. Vol. 99 pp. 213-216. KAR 1990 No.99 p214 -216.
  • <23> Monograph: Philp, B. J.. 1981. The Excavation of the Roman Forts of the Classis Britannica at Dover 1970-1977.
  • <24> Scheduling record: English Heritage. Register of Scheduled Monuments.
  • <25> Unpublished document: Maritime Archaeology. 2008. Dover Terminal 2 EIA: Historic Environment Baseline Report Volume 1.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (29)

Related Events/Activities (8)

  • Intrusive Event: Rescue Excavations Dover Town Centre, B.M.W. Site (EKE4817)
  • Intrusive Event: Rescue Excavations Dover Town Centre, Car Park Site, Queen Street (EKE4654)
  • Intrusive Event: Rescue Excavations Dover Town Centre, Cause is Altered Public House Site, Princes Street (EKE4650)
  • Intrusive Event: Rescue excavations in Dover town centre, Market Hall/Gaol Lane excavation (Ref: EI 15373) (EKE15653)
  • Intrusive Event: Rescue Excavations in Dover Town Centre, Woodstore Site (EKE15873)
  • Event Boundary: Rescue excavations within Dover Town Centre ahead of development of York Street, Dover (EKE15656)
  • Event Boundary: Watching brief on The Dover Spine Main 1996 (EKE5282)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching brief on The Dover Spine Main, Area 1b, 1996 (EKE15188)

Record last edited

Feb 21 2020 1:33PM