Monument record TQ 57 SE 1078 - Roman Pit and possible Roman Ditch, Tower Hill School


During an archaeological evaluation carried out in August 2015 two trial trenches were excavated. A possible Roman ditch was found alongside a Roman pit containing 3 sherds of Roman pottery. Both the ditch and the pit contained residual unworked burnt flint and worked flint fragments. The pit also contained what appeared to be Iron slag. The pottery probably dates to the 2nd Century AD, and the flints are generally associated with Neolithic and Bronze Age.


Grid reference Centred TQ 5515 7498 (1m by 0m)
Map sheet TQ57SE
County KENT


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

During an archaeological evaluation carried out in August 2015 two trial trenches were excavated. A possible Roman ditch was found alongside a Roman pit containing 3 sherds of Roman pottery. Both the ditch and the pit contained residual unworked burnt flint and worked flint fragments. Of the worked flints, two were struck flint; one was an undiagnostic small secondary flake, while the other was a larger tertiary hard hammer flake. This flake had a large striking platform and pronounced bulb of percussion. The burnt flint likely represents residual evidence of Palaeolithic activity.

The pit contained 3 undiagnostic body sherds of Roman pottery - the largest is a reduced sandy ware sherd, the other two are smaller pieces one of a reduced shell-tempered fabric and the other an oxidised sandy ware. The pit also contained what appeared to be Iron slag. The pottery probably dates to the 2nd Century AD, and the flints are generally associated with Neolithic and Bronze Age.

The author of the evaluation suggests the ditch may be associated with the Roman pit, and likely represents a 2nd Century feature. (1)

<1> Archaeology South-East, 2015, Archaeological Evaluation Report: Temple Hill School, St Edmunds Road, Dartford, Kent (Unpublished document). SKE31502.

Sources/Archives (1)

  • <1> Unpublished document: Archaeology South-East. 2015. Archaeological Evaluation Report: Temple Hill School, St Edmunds Road, Dartford, Kent.

Finds (3)

Protected Status/Designation

  • None recorded

Related Monuments/Buildings (0)

Related Events/Activities (1)

  • Intrusive Event: Archaeological Evaluation: Temple Hill School, Dartford, Kent (Ref: Report no.: 2015299) (EKE14943)

Record last edited

May 4 2016 10:30AM