Monument record TQ 97 NW 109 - The Sheerness Lines
Grid reference | Centred TQ 91452 74984 (681m by 965m) FCE |
Map sheet | TQ97SW |
County | KENT |
District | SWALE, KENT |
Type and Period (1)
Full Description
Historic England, Archive material associated with the Sheerness Lines (Archive). SKE56321.
<1> Old Telegraphs 1976 (G Wilson) 19 (OS Card Reference). SKE47868.
<2> Arch Cant 101 1984 245-76 plans (TM Harris) (OS Card Reference). SKE34557.
<3> Coastal Defences of Eng & W 1856-1956 (IV Hogg) 115-7 (OS Card Reference). SKE39038.
<4> DOE(IAM) Record Form Plan (OS Card Reference). SKE41446.
<5> The Medway Forts 1976 (KR Gulvin) plan 24-26 31 (OS Card Reference). SKE50418.
<6> Sheerness Defences, the Sheerness Lines/ink survey (Graphic material). SKE6433.
<7> Sheerness Defences, the Sheerness Lines/overlay (Graphic material). SKE6434.
<8> Sheerness Defences, the Sheerness Lines (Bibliographic reference). SKE6438.
<9> RCHME: Sheerness Defences, Kent (Collection). SKE6533.
<10> Kent County Council, 1999, Survey of Kent post-1500 defence sites, KD80 (Index). SWX11828.
<11> Royal Commission on Historic Monuments in England, 1995, Sheerness: The Dockyard, Defences and Blue Town (Unpublished document). SWX6974.
<12> Ramboll Environ, 2016, A characterisation of Sheerness, Kent, Project Report (Unpublished document). SKE31609.
<13> Royal Commission on Historic Monuments in England, 1995, Sheerness: The Dockyard, Defences and Blue Town (Unpublished document). SWX6974.
Sources/Archives (14)
- --- SKE56321 Archive: Historic England. Archive material associated with the Sheerness Lines.
- <1> SKE47868 OS Card Reference: Old Telegraphs 1976 (G Wilson) 19.
- <2> SKE34557 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 101 1984 245-76 plans (TM Harris).
- <3> SKE39038 OS Card Reference: Coastal Defences of Eng & W 1856-1956 (IV Hogg) 115-7.
- <4> SKE41446 OS Card Reference: DOE(IAM) Record Form Plan.
- <5> SKE50418 OS Card Reference: The Medway Forts 1976 (KR Gulvin) plan 24-26 31.
- <6> SKE6433 Graphic material: Sheerness Defences, the Sheerness Lines/ink survey. PER. PEN.
- <7> SKE6434 Graphic material: Sheerness Defences, the Sheerness Lines/overlay. PER. PEN.
- <8> SKE6438 Bibliographic reference: Sheerness Defences, the Sheerness Lines. PAP. TYP.
- <9> SKE6533 Collection: RCHME: Sheerness Defences, Kent.
- <10> SWX11828 Index: Kent County Council. 1999. Survey of Kent post-1500 defence sites. KD80.
- <11> SWX6974 Unpublished document: Royal Commission on Historic Monuments in England. 1995. Sheerness: The Dockyard, Defences and Blue Town.
- <12> SKE31609 Unpublished document: Ramboll Environ. 2016. A characterisation of Sheerness, Kent, Project Report.
- <13> SWX6974 Unpublished document: Royal Commission on Historic Monuments in England. 1995. Sheerness: The Dockyard, Defences and Blue Town.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (9)
- Parent of: Centre Bastion, Sheerness (Monument) (TQ 97 NW 110)
- Parent of: Curtain battery (Monument) (TQ 97 NW 111)
- Parent of: No 1 Bastion, Sheerness Lines, Sheerness (Monument) (TQ 97 NW 112)
- Parent of: No 2 Bastion, Sheerness Lines, Sheerness (Monument) (TQ 97 SW 24)
- Parent of: No 3 Bastion, Sheerness Lines, Sheerness (Monument) (TQ 97 SW 25)
- Parent of: No 4 Bastion, Sheerness Lines, Sheerness (Monument) (TQ 97 SW 26)
- Parent of: The Ravelin, Sheerness Lines, Sheerness (Monument) (TQ 97 NW 15)
- Part of: Sheerness defences (Monument) (TQ 97 NW 3)
- Part of: The Indented Lines, Sheerness (Monument) (TQ 97 NW 113)
Related Events/Activities (2)
- Non-Intrusive Event: A characterisation of Sheerness, Project Report (Ref: 61034355) (EKE15043)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Buildings survey on Sheerness Dockyard, Defences & Blue Town (EKE8308)
Related Thematic Articles (1)
Record last edited
Jul 29 2024 12:40PM