Monument record TQ 77 NE 7 - Cooling Castle


Cooling Castle was built as a result of the French raid which ravaged this part of Kent in 1379. It was begun in 1381 and completed in 1385 covering nearly eight acres and consisting of two parallel but unequal wards separated by a moat surrounding both. The Inner Gatehouse is thought to remain standing to almost 10 metres. The water gate or postern is standing and a small wooden boat was previously dug up opposite this. The undercroft of the 'Great Chamber' remains, and the foundations of many buildings in the south-eastern part of the castle are thought to be buried underneath flower beds.


Grid reference Centred TQ 7536 7597 (262m by 207m) FCE
Map sheet TQ77NE
County KENT
Unitary Authority MEDWAY


Type and Period (2)

Full Description

<1> OS 6" 1940 (OS Card Reference). SKE48362.

<2> Inq pm 15.4.1300 (OS Card Reference). SKE44479.

<3> Arch Can XI (1877) 128-44 plan illus (WA Scott Robertson) (OS Card Reference). SKE34488.

<4> VCH Kent I 1908 429-30 plan (OS Card Reference). SKE51173.

<5> Arch Cant 39 1927 167-76 (B Cope) (OS Card Reference). SKE35070.

<6> Arch Cant 39 1927 176-80 (A Vallence) (OS Card Reference). SKE35071.

<7> Ant of Eng and Wales 3 (1787) 24-6 illus (F Grose) (OS Card Reference). SKE33228.

<8> Castles of Eng I (1897) 9-13 plan (JD Mackenzie) (OS Card Reference). SKE38630.

<9> The English Castle 1936 4 95 103 109 illus (H Braun) (OS Card Reference). SKE50344.

<10> F1 EG 25-JUN-59 (OS Card Reference). SKE42872.

<11> F2 FGA 26-OCT-64 (OS Card Reference). SKE43333.

<12> DOE (HHR) City of Rochester upon Medway 1986 8 (OS Card Reference). SKE40174.

<13> DOE (HHR) City of Rochester Upon Medway 1986 9 (OS Card Reference). SKE40175.

<14> Moated Site Res Grp Rep 6 1979 46 (CJ Bond) (OS Card Reference). SKE47240.

<15> A Handbook of Kents Defences 1540-1945 1977 12 (D Bennett) (OS Card Reference). SKE32803.

<16> Arch Cant 93 1977 221 (T Tatton-Brown) (OS Card Reference). SKE36146.

<17> Groses Ant 2 1774 85-7 (OS Card Reference). SKE43635.

<18> Bldgs of Eng West Kent and the Weald 1980 239-240 (J Newman) (OS Card Reference). SKE38049.

<19> DOE (IAM) AMs Eng 2 1978 109 (OS Card Reference). SKE40685.

<20> Field report for monument TQ 77 NE 7 - June, 1959 (Bibliographic reference). SKE4206.

<21> Field report for monument TQ 77 NE 7 - October, 1964 (Bibliographic reference). SKE4207.

<22> Not applicable, SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry, OS 6" 1st Ed (1865) (Miscellaneous Material). SKE6440.

<23> Saunders, Andrew, 1995, Thames fortifications during the 16th to 19th centuries (Article in monograph). SWX9358.

<24> Scott Robertson, W. A., 1877, Coulyng Castle (Article in serial). SWX7347.

<25> Smithers, D. W., 1980, Castles in Kent (Monograph). SWX9392.

<26> Andrews and Dury, 1777, London Environs (Chart). SWX8084.

<27> 1946, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9427.

<28> 1946, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9447.

<29> 1947, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9831.

<30> 1947, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9835.

<31> 1947, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX9863.

<32> 1944, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX10019.

<33> 1944, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX10023.

<34> 1948, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX10631.

<35> 1950, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX10700.

<36> 1953, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX10703.

<37> 1953, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11088.

<38> 1953, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11089.

<39> 1953, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11090.

<40> 1994, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11091.

<41> 1994, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11092.

<42> 1994, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11093.

<43> 1994, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11094.

<44> 1994, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11095.

<45> 1994, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11096.

<46> 1994, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11097.

<47> 1995, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11099.

<48> 1995, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11100.

<49> 1995, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11101.

<50> 1995, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11102.

<51> 1995, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11103.

<52> 1995, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11104.

<53> 1995, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11105.

<54> 1995, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11106.

<55> 1995, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11107.

<56> 1998, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11108.

<57> 1965, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11109.

<58> 1998, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11110.

<59> 1998, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11111.

<60> 1998, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11112.

<61> 1998, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11113.

<62> 1998, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11114.

<63> 1965, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11115.

<64> 1953, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11116.

<65> 1953, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11117.

<66> 1953, Photograph (Photograph (Print)). SWX11118.

<67> historic england, 2014, Hoo Peninsula Outline Historic Area Assessment: Cooling Parish. Research Report 51-2014. (Bibliographic reference). SKE31592.

<68> Susan Pittman, 2011, Elizabethan and Jacobean Deer Parks in Kent (Monograph). SKE32115.

<69> English Heritage, Register of Scheduled Monuments (Scheduling record). SKE16191.

<70> Historic England, Archive material associated with Cooling Castle Scheduled Monument (Archive). SKE54082.

Sources/Archives (70)

  • <1> OS Card Reference: OS 6" 1940.
  • <2> OS Card Reference: Inq pm 15.4.1300.
  • <3> OS Card Reference: Arch Can XI (1877) 128-44 plan illus (WA Scott Robertson).
  • <4> OS Card Reference: VCH Kent I 1908 429-30 plan.
  • <5> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 39 1927 167-76 (B Cope).
  • <6> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 39 1927 176-80 (A Vallence).
  • <7> OS Card Reference: Ant of Eng and Wales 3 (1787) 24-6 illus (F Grose).
  • <8> OS Card Reference: Castles of Eng I (1897) 9-13 plan (JD Mackenzie).
  • <9> OS Card Reference: The English Castle 1936 4 95 103 109 illus (H Braun).
  • <10> OS Card Reference: F1 EG 25-JUN-59.
  • <11> OS Card Reference: F2 FGA 26-OCT-64.
  • <12> OS Card Reference: DOE (HHR) City of Rochester upon Medway 1986 8.
  • <13> OS Card Reference: DOE (HHR) City of Rochester Upon Medway 1986 9.
  • <14> OS Card Reference: Moated Site Res Grp Rep 6 1979 46 (CJ Bond).
  • <15> OS Card Reference: A Handbook of Kents Defences 1540-1945 1977 12 (D Bennett).
  • <16> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 93 1977 221 (T Tatton-Brown).
  • <17> OS Card Reference: Groses Ant 2 1774 85-7.
  • <18> OS Card Reference: Bldgs of Eng West Kent and the Weald 1980 239-240 (J Newman).
  • <19> OS Card Reference: DOE (IAM) AMs Eng 2 1978 109.
  • <20> Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 77 NE 7 - June, 1959.
  • <21> Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TQ 77 NE 7 - October, 1964.
  • <22> Miscellaneous Material: Not applicable. SMR Kent uncatalogued index entry. OS 6" 1st Ed (1865).
  • <23> Article in monograph: Saunders, Andrew. 1995. Thames fortifications during the 16th to 19th centuries. 124-134.
  • <24> Article in serial: Scott Robertson, W. A.. 1877. Coulyng Castle. 11, pages 128-144.
  • <25> Monograph: Smithers, D. W.. 1980. Castles in Kent.
  • <26> Chart: Andrews and Dury. 1777. London Environs. chart.
  • <27> Photograph (Print): 1946. Photograph. 4032. print.
  • <28> Photograph (Print): 1946. Photograph. 4066. print.
  • <29> Photograph (Print): 1947. Photograph. 3034. print.
  • <30> Photograph (Print): 1947. Photograph. 3057. print.
  • <31> Photograph (Print): 1947. Photograph. 4057. print.
  • <32> Photograph (Print): 1944. Photograph. 2069. print.
  • <33> Photograph (Print): 1944. Photograph. 3065. print.
  • <34> Photograph (Print): 1948. Photograph. BU 42-45 tq754759/1. print.
  • <35> Photograph (Print): 1950. Photograph. FD 68-71 tq754759/2. print.
  • <36> Photograph (Print): 1953. Photograph. MC 52-57 tq754759/3. print.
  • <37> Photograph (Print): 1953. Photograph. TQ7575/10. print.
  • <38> Photograph (Print): 1953. Photograph. TQ7575/11. print.
  • <39> Photograph (Print): 1953. Photograph. TQ7575/12. print.
  • <40> Photograph (Print): 1994. Photograph. TQ7575/13. print.
  • <41> Photograph (Print): 1994. Photograph. TQ7575/14. print.
  • <42> Photograph (Print): 1994. Photograph. TQ7575/15. print.
  • <43> Photograph (Print): 1994. Photograph. TQ7575/16. print.
  • <44> Photograph (Print): 1994. Photograph. TQ7575/17. print.
  • <45> Photograph (Print): 1994. Photograph. TQ7575/18. print.
  • <46> Photograph (Print): 1994. Photograph. TQ7575/19. print.
  • <47> Photograph (Print): 1995. Photograph. TQ7575/20. print.
  • <48> Photograph (Print): 1995. Photograph. TQ7575/21. print.
  • <49> Photograph (Print): 1995. Photograph. TQ7575/22. print.
  • <50> Photograph (Print): 1995. Photograph. TQ7575/23. print.
  • <51> Photograph (Print): 1995. Photograph. TQ7575/24. print.
  • <52> Photograph (Print): 1995. Photograph. TQ7575/25. print.
  • <53> Photograph (Print): 1995. Photograph. TQ7575/26. print.
  • <54> Photograph (Print): 1995. Photograph. TQ7575/27. print.
  • <55> Photograph (Print): 1995. Photograph. TQ7575/28. print.
  • <56> Photograph (Print): 1998. Photograph. TQ7575/29. print.
  • <57> Photograph (Print): 1965. Photograph. TQ7575/3. print.
  • <58> Photograph (Print): 1998. Photograph. TQ7575/30. print.
  • <59> Photograph (Print): 1998. Photograph. TQ7575/31. print.
  • <60> Photograph (Print): 1998. Photograph. TQ7575/32. print.
  • <61> Photograph (Print): 1998. Photograph. TQ7575/33. print.
  • <62> Photograph (Print): 1998. Photograph. TQ7575/34. print.
  • <63> Photograph (Print): 1965. Photograph. TQ7575/4. print.
  • <64> Photograph (Print): 1953. Photograph. TQ7575/7. print.
  • <65> Photograph (Print): 1953. Photograph. TQ7575/8. print.
  • <66> Photograph (Print): 1953. Photograph. TQ7575/9. print.
  • <67> Bibliographic reference: historic england. 2014. Hoo Peninsula Outline Historic Area Assessment: Cooling Parish. Research Report 51-2014..
  • <68> Monograph: Susan Pittman. 2011. Elizabethan and Jacobean Deer Parks in Kent.
  • <69> Scheduling record: English Heritage. Register of Scheduled Monuments.
  • <70> Archive: Historic England. Archive material associated with Cooling Castle Scheduled Monument.

Finds (0)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (5)

Related Events/Activities (3)

  • Intrusive Event: An Archaeological Evaluation at Cooling Castle (EKE20878)
  • Intrusive Event: Excavation at Cooling Castle (EKE20877)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Hoo Peninsula Outline Historic Area Assessment: Cooling Parish. Research Report 2014-51 (Ref: Research Report Series 51-2014) (EKE15027)

Related Thematic Articles (3)

Record last edited

Aug 10 2021 3:55PM