Monument record TR 26 NE 11 - Anglo-Saxon burial ground, Sarre
Grid reference | Centred TR 261 650 (382m by 185m) (134 map features) |
Map sheet | TR26NE |
County | KENT |
District | THANET, KENT |
Civil Parish | SARRE, THANET, KENT |
Type and Period (5)
Full Description
Arch. Rems. at Jutish burial Ground, Sarre 1990 (Tust for Thanet ASrch.) (OS Card Reference). SKE37171.
<1> OS 6" 1961 (OS Card Reference). SKE48369.
<2> VCH Kent 1 1908 358-60 illust (R A Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE50848.
<3> Arch Cant 2 1859 xlii (OS Card Reference). SKE34814.
<4> Arch Cant 3 1860 35-46 (C R Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE34980.
<5> Arch Cant 5 1863 305-22 illus (J Brent) (OS Card Reference). SKE35249.
<6> Arch Cant 6 1866 157-85 illus (J Brent) (OS Card Reference). SKE35310.
<7> Arch Cant 7 1868 307-21 illus (J Brent) (OS Card Reference). SKE35460.
<8> Arch Cant 8 1872 171 (D H Haigh) (OS Card Reference). SKE35680.
<9> Arch Cant 731959 196-7 (G C Dunning) and 198-201 (W L Goodman) (OS Card Reference). SKE35552.
<10> F1 CFW 20-SEP-63 (OS Card Reference). SKE42675.
<11> Ant J 47 1967 1-26 fig pl II (S C Hawkes and R I Page) (OS Card Reference). SKE33201.
<12> Gaz of Early Anglo Saxon Burial Site 1964 135-6 (A Meaney) (OS Card Reference). SKE43494.
<13> Dark Age Britain 1956 159 161 164 163 165 fig 25 pls XVIj XVIb XVIIn (D B Harden ed) (OS Card Reference). SKE39587.
<14> Md Arch 22 1978 23 4 22 fig 1 (D B Harden) (OS Card Reference). SKE46613.
<15> Archaeologia 107 1982 47 63 pls IX XIII (R Avent and V I Evison) (OS Card Reference). SKE37301.
<16> Wheel Thrown Pottery from Anglo Saxon Graves 1979 66-70 73-74 76-77 93-94 illus (V I Evison) (OS Card Reference). SKE51318.
<17> Corpus of Anglo Saxon Pottery of the Pagan Period I 1977 92 203 302 II 1977 fig 140 and 279 illus (J (OS Card Reference). SKE39240.
<18> Anglo Saxon Pottery and the Settlement of England 1969 fig 19 fig 40 (J N L Myres) (OS Card Reference). SKE33081.
<19> BAR 128 Sceattas in England and on the Continent 1984 261 (Hill and Metcalf) (OS Card Reference). SKE37498.
<20> Num Chron T 1861 58-59 (OS Card Reference). SKE47737.
<21> Arch Cant 71 1957 231 illus (D M Wilson) (OS Card Reference). SKE35493.
<22> BM Gude to Anglo Saxon Antiquities 1923 fig 60 (OS Card Reference). SKE38193.
<23> Antiquity 8 1933 440 pl IV 4 (T D Kendrick) (OS Card Reference). SKE33298.
<24> Md Arch 21 1977 16-19 21-22 25-27 35 40 (R Avent and D Leigh) (OS Card Reference). SKE46600.
<25> Arch Cant 91 1975 165-168 illus (V I Evison) (OS Card Reference). SKE36028.
<26> Archaeologia 107 1982 47 63 pl IX XIII (R Avent and V I Evison) (OS Card Reference). SKE37300.
<27> Arch Cant 73 1959 196-197 (G C Dunning) (OS Card Reference). SKE35530.
<28> Arch Cant 73 1959 198-201 illus (W L Goodman) (OS Card Reference). SKE35531.
<29> Antiq J 3 1923 123 (R A Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE33249.
<30> Kent AS Newsletter 1984 4 3 (OS Card Reference). SKE45906.
<30> Trust For Thanet Archaeology, 1990, An Evaluation Report by The Trust for Thanet Archaeology: Archaeological Remains in the Jutish Burial Ground at Sarre, Thanet (Unpublished document). SWX7113.
<31> Ant J 47 1967 1-2 56 19 fig 1 pl II (S ChadwickHawkes and R T Page) (OS Card Reference). SKE33199.
<32> Arch of Anglo Saxon England 1976 115 256-7 267 fig 6-1 and 6-4 (D M Wilson) (OS Card Reference). SKE36812.
<33> Arch Cant 3 1860 35 illus (C R Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE34979.
<34> Arch Cant 3 1860 178 (OS Card Reference). SKE34977.
<35> Gents Mag Library Arch 2 1886 178 f (J Brent) (OS Card Reference). SKE43598.
<36> Arch of Kent 1930 228-232 235-236 261 illus (R F Jessup) (OS Card Reference). SKE36896.
<37> BAR 82 Anglo Saxon Cemeteries 1980 86-88 90 94-95 110 (Rahtz Dickinson and Watts) (OS Card Reference). SKE37570.
<38> The Arts in Early England 4 Saxon Art and Industry in the Pagan Period 415 701-705 pl XCVII fig 2 (OS Card Reference). SKE50105.
<39> Arch 41 1867 416-418 (J Brent) (OS Card Reference). SKE34407.
<40> Collectanea Antiqua 6 1868 145 ff (OS Card Reference). SKE39197.
<41> TBAA Glos 1848 87-88 (OS Card Reference). SKE49819.
<42> Thanet The Arch Heritage c 1982 9 (Thanet Dist Council and Isle of Thanet Arch Unit) (OS Card Reference). SKE49882.
<43> Md Arch 5 1961 55 fig 18 (S C Hawkes and G D Dunning) (OS Card Reference). SKE46642.
<44> Arch Cant 19 1892 31 no 485 illus (OS Card Reference). SKE34789.
<45> Oxomensia 14 1949 34 (J R Kirk) (OS Card Reference). SKE48439.
<46> Arch Cant 92 225-227 (R Avent) (OS Card Reference). SKE36110.
<47> Isle of Thanet Arch Unit Sites and Mons Archive 1988 Record no 139 (OS Card Reference). SKE44694.
<48> Field report for monument TR 26 NE 11 - September, 1963 (Bibliographic reference). SKE5810.
<49> Trust for Thanet Archaeology, Thanet Sites and Monuments Record (Index). SKE6444.
<50> English Heritage Scheduling Section, 1999, Anglo-Saxon Cemetery, Parish Church of St. Giles and Associated Remains Immediately East of Sarre Mill (Scheduling record). SKE11850.
<51> 1990, 1990 collection of vertical aerial photographs of Kent, Kent HER r12photo960 XX-XXX-1990 (Photograph). SKE31386.
<52> Next Perspectives, 2003-2021, Next Perspectives APGB orthophotography, EARTH.GOOGLE.COM XX-XXX-1990 (Archive). SKE57110.
Sources/Archives (54)
- --- SKE37171 OS Card Reference: Arch. Rems. at Jutish burial Ground, Sarre 1990 (Tust for Thanet ASrch.).
- <1> SKE48369 OS Card Reference: OS 6" 1961.
- <2> SKE50848 OS Card Reference: VCH Kent 1 1908 358-60 illust (R A Smith).
- <3> SKE34814 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 2 1859 xlii.
- <4> SKE34980 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 3 1860 35-46 (C R Smith).
- <5> SKE35249 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 5 1863 305-22 illus (J Brent).
- <6> SKE35310 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 6 1866 157-85 illus (J Brent).
- <7> SKE35460 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 7 1868 307-21 illus (J Brent).
- <8> SKE35680 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 8 1872 171 (D H Haigh).
- <9> SKE35552 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 731959 196-7 (G C Dunning) and 198-201 (W L Goodman).
- <10> SKE42675 OS Card Reference: F1 CFW 20-SEP-63.
- <11> SKE33201 OS Card Reference: Ant J 47 1967 1-26 fig pl II (S C Hawkes and R I Page).
- <12> SKE43494 OS Card Reference: Gaz of Early Anglo Saxon Burial Site 1964 135-6 (A Meaney).
- <13> SKE39587 OS Card Reference: Dark Age Britain 1956 159 161 164 163 165 fig 25 pls XVIj XVIb XVIIn (D B Harden ed).
- <14> SKE46613 OS Card Reference: Md Arch 22 1978 23 4 22 fig 1 (D B Harden).
- <15> SKE37301 OS Card Reference: Archaeologia 107 1982 47 63 pls IX XIII (R Avent and V I Evison).
- <16> SKE51318 OS Card Reference: Wheel Thrown Pottery from Anglo Saxon Graves 1979 66-70 73-74 76-77 93-94 illus (V I Evison).
- <17> SKE39240 OS Card Reference: Corpus of Anglo Saxon Pottery of the Pagan Period I 1977 92 203 302 II 1977 fig 140 and 279 illus (J.
- <18> SKE33081 OS Card Reference: Anglo Saxon Pottery and the Settlement of England 1969 fig 19 fig 40 (J N L Myres).
- <19> SKE37498 OS Card Reference: BAR 128 Sceattas in England and on the Continent 1984 261 (Hill and Metcalf).
- <20> SKE47737 OS Card Reference: Num Chron T 1861 58-59.
- <21> SKE35493 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 71 1957 231 illus (D M Wilson).
- <22> SKE38193 OS Card Reference: BM Gude to Anglo Saxon Antiquities 1923 fig 60.
- <23> SKE33298 OS Card Reference: Antiquity 8 1933 440 pl IV 4 (T D Kendrick).
- <24> SKE46600 OS Card Reference: Md Arch 21 1977 16-19 21-22 25-27 35 40 (R Avent and D Leigh).
- <25> SKE36028 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 91 1975 165-168 illus (V I Evison).
- <26> SKE37300 OS Card Reference: Archaeologia 107 1982 47 63 pl IX XIII (R Avent and V I Evison).
- <27> SKE35530 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 73 1959 196-197 (G C Dunning).
- <28> SKE35531 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 73 1959 198-201 illus (W L Goodman).
- <29> SKE33249 OS Card Reference: Antiq J 3 1923 123 (R A Smith).
- <30> SKE45906 OS Card Reference: Kent AS Newsletter 1984 4 3.
- <30> SWX7113 Unpublished document: Trust For Thanet Archaeology. 1990. An Evaluation Report by The Trust for Thanet Archaeology: Archaeological Remains in the Jutish Burial Ground at Sarre, Thanet.
- <31> SKE33199 OS Card Reference: Ant J 47 1967 1-2 56 19 fig 1 pl II (S ChadwickHawkes and R T Page).
- <32> SKE36812 OS Card Reference: Arch of Anglo Saxon England 1976 115 256-7 267 fig 6-1 and 6-4 (D M Wilson).
- <33> SKE34979 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 3 1860 35 illus (C R Smith).
- <34> SKE34977 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 3 1860 178.
- <35> SKE43598 OS Card Reference: Gents Mag Library Arch 2 1886 178 f (J Brent).
- <36> SKE36896 OS Card Reference: Arch of Kent 1930 228-232 235-236 261 illus (R F Jessup).
- <37> SKE37570 OS Card Reference: BAR 82 Anglo Saxon Cemeteries 1980 86-88 90 94-95 110 (Rahtz Dickinson and Watts).
- <38> SKE50105 OS Card Reference: The Arts in Early England 4 Saxon Art and Industry in the Pagan Period 415 701-705 pl XCVII fig 2.
- <39> SKE34407 OS Card Reference: Arch 41 1867 416-418 (J Brent).
- <40> SKE39197 OS Card Reference: Collectanea Antiqua 6 1868 145 ff.
- <41> SKE49819 OS Card Reference: TBAA Glos 1848 87-88.
- <42> SKE49882 OS Card Reference: Thanet The Arch Heritage c 1982 9 (Thanet Dist Council and Isle of Thanet Arch Unit).
- <43> SKE46642 OS Card Reference: Md Arch 5 1961 55 fig 18 (S C Hawkes and G D Dunning).
- <44> SKE34789 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 19 1892 31 no 485 illus.
- <45> SKE48439 OS Card Reference: Oxomensia 14 1949 34 (J R Kirk).
- <46> SKE36110 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 92 225-227 (R Avent).
- <47> SKE44694 OS Card Reference: Isle of Thanet Arch Unit Sites and Mons Archive 1988 Record no 139.
- <48> SKE5810 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TR 26 NE 11 - September, 1963.
- <49> SKE6444 Index: Trust for Thanet Archaeology. Thanet Sites and Monuments Record.
- <50>XY SKE11850 Scheduling record: English Heritage Scheduling Section. 1999. Anglo-Saxon Cemetery, Parish Church of St. Giles and Associated Remains Immediately East of Sarre Mill. [Mapped feature: #900 Cemetery, ]
- <51> SKE31386 Photograph: 1990. 1990 collection of vertical aerial photographs of Kent. Colour. Print. Kent HER r12photo960 XX-XXX-1990.
- <52> SKE57110 Archive: Next Perspectives. 2003-2021. Next Perspectives APGB orthophotography. EARTH.GOOGLE.COM XX-XXX-1990.
Finds (8)
- BROOCH (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 467 AD to 699 AD)
- BOWL (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 467 AD to 699 AD)
- PIN (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 467 AD to 699 AD)
- BEAD (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 467 AD to 699 AD)
- NECKLACE (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 467 AD to 699 AD)
- PENDANT (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 467 AD to 699 AD)
- COIN (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 467 AD to 699 AD)
- KNIFE (Early Medieval or Anglo-Saxon - 467 AD to 699 AD)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (2)
Related Events/Activities (4)
- Intrusive Event: Excavation, SARRE, 1864 (Ref: EI 15018) (EKE4715)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Historic England Thanet Landscape - Aerial Investigation Mapping (EKE23827)
- Intrusive Event: SARRE JUTISH CEMETERY (Ref: EI 36116) (EKE4459)
- Intrusive Event: Watching Brief on the Sarre First Time Drainage Scheme Spring 1991 (Ref: EI 36117) (EKE4460)
Related Thematic Articles (1)
Record last edited
Oct 17 2024 10:37AM