Monument record TR 26 NE 11 - Anglo-Saxon burial ground, Sarre


In 1863-4 an area to the east of Sarre was excavated after a number of discoveries including two Anglo-Saxon graves and a rich assemblage of grave goods. Finds included metallic artefacts such as bronze bowls, brooches, beads, a pendant of mosaic glass and 4 gold pendant coins, iron 'weapons', the metal clasp of a large purse, a knife and several pieces of iron. The coins dated to the late 6th and early 7th centuries. Over the course of the two years of excavation at the site a total of 274 graves were recorded, indicating an large Anglo Saxon inhumation cemetery. The majority of these burials showed evidence of grave goods, and 7 burials were very richly adorned. There were a large number of weapons found including 26 swords. A particularly rare 6th century sword-pommel was inscribed with a runic inscription. It is now in the Maidstone Museum whilst the other finds have been distributed to Kent and national museums. Analysis of the grave goods suggested that the cemetery was in use during the late fifth to late seventh centuries AD. Subsequent work at the site in 1982 and 1990/1991 revealed an associated ditch and a further number of graves. It became apparent that the site was far bigger than originally thought and that burials that had been missed were in danger. It is thought that remains will survive in the area despite the fact that modern ploughing and the laying of a pipeline has caused some disturbance. Also included in the scheduled area are part of an Iron Age settlement, the remains of the church of St. Giles, a post medieval chalk pit and a post mill, some of which survive as cropmarks and earthworks. The site is situated on the top and gentlesouth-south-west facing slopeof a low ridge, underlying geology is chalk. OD between 15-18m.


Grid reference Centred TR 261 650 (382m by 185m) (134 map features)
Map sheet TR26NE
County KENT


Type and Period (5)

Full Description

Arch. Rems. at Jutish burial Ground, Sarre 1990 (Tust for Thanet ASrch.) (OS Card Reference). SKE37171.

<1> OS 6" 1961 (OS Card Reference). SKE48369.

<2> VCH Kent 1 1908 358-60 illust (R A Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE50848.

<3> Arch Cant 2 1859 xlii (OS Card Reference). SKE34814.

<4> Arch Cant 3 1860 35-46 (C R Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE34980.

<5> Arch Cant 5 1863 305-22 illus (J Brent) (OS Card Reference). SKE35249.

<6> Arch Cant 6 1866 157-85 illus (J Brent) (OS Card Reference). SKE35310.

<7> Arch Cant 7 1868 307-21 illus (J Brent) (OS Card Reference). SKE35460.

<8> Arch Cant 8 1872 171 (D H Haigh) (OS Card Reference). SKE35680.

<9> Arch Cant 731959 196-7 (G C Dunning) and 198-201 (W L Goodman) (OS Card Reference). SKE35552.

<10> F1 CFW 20-SEP-63 (OS Card Reference). SKE42675.

<11> Ant J 47 1967 1-26 fig pl II (S C Hawkes and R I Page) (OS Card Reference). SKE33201.

<12> Gaz of Early Anglo Saxon Burial Site 1964 135-6 (A Meaney) (OS Card Reference). SKE43494.

<13> Dark Age Britain 1956 159 161 164 163 165 fig 25 pls XVIj XVIb XVIIn (D B Harden ed) (OS Card Reference). SKE39587.

<14> Md Arch 22 1978 23 4 22 fig 1 (D B Harden) (OS Card Reference). SKE46613.

<15> Archaeologia 107 1982 47 63 pls IX XIII (R Avent and V I Evison) (OS Card Reference). SKE37301.

<16> Wheel Thrown Pottery from Anglo Saxon Graves 1979 66-70 73-74 76-77 93-94 illus (V I Evison) (OS Card Reference). SKE51318.

<17> Corpus of Anglo Saxon Pottery of the Pagan Period I 1977 92 203 302 II 1977 fig 140 and 279 illus (J (OS Card Reference). SKE39240.

<18> Anglo Saxon Pottery and the Settlement of England 1969 fig 19 fig 40 (J N L Myres) (OS Card Reference). SKE33081.

<19> BAR 128 Sceattas in England and on the Continent 1984 261 (Hill and Metcalf) (OS Card Reference). SKE37498.

<20> Num Chron T 1861 58-59 (OS Card Reference). SKE47737.

<21> Arch Cant 71 1957 231 illus (D M Wilson) (OS Card Reference). SKE35493.

<22> BM Gude to Anglo Saxon Antiquities 1923 fig 60 (OS Card Reference). SKE38193.

<23> Antiquity 8 1933 440 pl IV 4 (T D Kendrick) (OS Card Reference). SKE33298.

<24> Md Arch 21 1977 16-19 21-22 25-27 35 40 (R Avent and D Leigh) (OS Card Reference). SKE46600.

<25> Arch Cant 91 1975 165-168 illus (V I Evison) (OS Card Reference). SKE36028.

<26> Archaeologia 107 1982 47 63 pl IX XIII (R Avent and V I Evison) (OS Card Reference). SKE37300.

<27> Arch Cant 73 1959 196-197 (G C Dunning) (OS Card Reference). SKE35530.

<28> Arch Cant 73 1959 198-201 illus (W L Goodman) (OS Card Reference). SKE35531.

<29> Antiq J 3 1923 123 (R A Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE33249.

<30> Kent AS Newsletter 1984 4 3 (OS Card Reference). SKE45906.

<30> Trust For Thanet Archaeology, 1990, An Evaluation Report by The Trust for Thanet Archaeology: Archaeological Remains in the Jutish Burial Ground at Sarre, Thanet (Unpublished document). SWX7113.

<31> Ant J 47 1967 1-2 56 19 fig 1 pl II (S ChadwickHawkes and R T Page) (OS Card Reference). SKE33199.

<32> Arch of Anglo Saxon England 1976 115 256-7 267 fig 6-1 and 6-4 (D M Wilson) (OS Card Reference). SKE36812.

<33> Arch Cant 3 1860 35 illus (C R Smith) (OS Card Reference). SKE34979.

<34> Arch Cant 3 1860 178 (OS Card Reference). SKE34977.

<35> Gents Mag Library Arch 2 1886 178 f (J Brent) (OS Card Reference). SKE43598.

<36> Arch of Kent 1930 228-232 235-236 261 illus (R F Jessup) (OS Card Reference). SKE36896.

<37> BAR 82 Anglo Saxon Cemeteries 1980 86-88 90 94-95 110 (Rahtz Dickinson and Watts) (OS Card Reference). SKE37570.

<38> The Arts in Early England 4 Saxon Art and Industry in the Pagan Period 415 701-705 pl XCVII fig 2 (OS Card Reference). SKE50105.

<39> Arch 41 1867 416-418 (J Brent) (OS Card Reference). SKE34407.

<40> Collectanea Antiqua 6 1868 145 ff (OS Card Reference). SKE39197.

<41> TBAA Glos 1848 87-88 (OS Card Reference). SKE49819.

<42> Thanet The Arch Heritage c 1982 9 (Thanet Dist Council and Isle of Thanet Arch Unit) (OS Card Reference). SKE49882.

<43> Md Arch 5 1961 55 fig 18 (S C Hawkes and G D Dunning) (OS Card Reference). SKE46642.

<44> Arch Cant 19 1892 31 no 485 illus (OS Card Reference). SKE34789.

<45> Oxomensia 14 1949 34 (J R Kirk) (OS Card Reference). SKE48439.

<46> Arch Cant 92 225-227 (R Avent) (OS Card Reference). SKE36110.

<47> Isle of Thanet Arch Unit Sites and Mons Archive 1988 Record no 139 (OS Card Reference). SKE44694.

<48> Field report for monument TR 26 NE 11 - September, 1963 (Bibliographic reference). SKE5810.

<49> Trust for Thanet Archaeology, Thanet Sites and Monuments Record (Index). SKE6444.

<50> English Heritage Scheduling Section, 1999, Anglo-Saxon Cemetery, Parish Church of St. Giles and Associated Remains Immediately East of Sarre Mill (Scheduling record). SKE11850.

<51> 1990, 1990 collection of vertical aerial photographs of Kent, Kent HER r12photo960 XX-XXX-1990 (Photograph). SKE31386.

<52> Next Perspectives, 2003-2021, Next Perspectives APGB orthophotography, EARTH.GOOGLE.COM XX-XXX-1990 (Archive). SKE57110.

Sources/Archives (54)

  • --- OS Card Reference: Arch. Rems. at Jutish burial Ground, Sarre 1990 (Tust for Thanet ASrch.).
  • <1> OS Card Reference: OS 6" 1961.
  • <2> OS Card Reference: VCH Kent 1 1908 358-60 illust (R A Smith).
  • <3> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 2 1859 xlii.
  • <4> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 3 1860 35-46 (C R Smith).
  • <5> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 5 1863 305-22 illus (J Brent).
  • <6> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 6 1866 157-85 illus (J Brent).
  • <7> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 7 1868 307-21 illus (J Brent).
  • <8> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 8 1872 171 (D H Haigh).
  • <9> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 731959 196-7 (G C Dunning) and 198-201 (W L Goodman).
  • <10> OS Card Reference: F1 CFW 20-SEP-63.
  • <11> OS Card Reference: Ant J 47 1967 1-26 fig pl II (S C Hawkes and R I Page).
  • <12> OS Card Reference: Gaz of Early Anglo Saxon Burial Site 1964 135-6 (A Meaney).
  • <13> OS Card Reference: Dark Age Britain 1956 159 161 164 163 165 fig 25 pls XVIj XVIb XVIIn (D B Harden ed).
  • <14> OS Card Reference: Md Arch 22 1978 23 4 22 fig 1 (D B Harden).
  • <15> OS Card Reference: Archaeologia 107 1982 47 63 pls IX XIII (R Avent and V I Evison).
  • <16> OS Card Reference: Wheel Thrown Pottery from Anglo Saxon Graves 1979 66-70 73-74 76-77 93-94 illus (V I Evison).
  • <17> OS Card Reference: Corpus of Anglo Saxon Pottery of the Pagan Period I 1977 92 203 302 II 1977 fig 140 and 279 illus (J.
  • <18> OS Card Reference: Anglo Saxon Pottery and the Settlement of England 1969 fig 19 fig 40 (J N L Myres).
  • <19> OS Card Reference: BAR 128 Sceattas in England and on the Continent 1984 261 (Hill and Metcalf).
  • <20> OS Card Reference: Num Chron T 1861 58-59.
  • <21> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 71 1957 231 illus (D M Wilson).
  • <22> OS Card Reference: BM Gude to Anglo Saxon Antiquities 1923 fig 60.
  • <23> OS Card Reference: Antiquity 8 1933 440 pl IV 4 (T D Kendrick).
  • <24> OS Card Reference: Md Arch 21 1977 16-19 21-22 25-27 35 40 (R Avent and D Leigh).
  • <25> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 91 1975 165-168 illus (V I Evison).
  • <26> OS Card Reference: Archaeologia 107 1982 47 63 pl IX XIII (R Avent and V I Evison).
  • <27> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 73 1959 196-197 (G C Dunning).
  • <28> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 73 1959 198-201 illus (W L Goodman).
  • <29> OS Card Reference: Antiq J 3 1923 123 (R A Smith).
  • <30> OS Card Reference: Kent AS Newsletter 1984 4 3.
  • <30> Unpublished document: Trust For Thanet Archaeology. 1990. An Evaluation Report by The Trust for Thanet Archaeology: Archaeological Remains in the Jutish Burial Ground at Sarre, Thanet.
  • <31> OS Card Reference: Ant J 47 1967 1-2 56 19 fig 1 pl II (S ChadwickHawkes and R T Page).
  • <32> OS Card Reference: Arch of Anglo Saxon England 1976 115 256-7 267 fig 6-1 and 6-4 (D M Wilson).
  • <33> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 3 1860 35 illus (C R Smith).
  • <34> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 3 1860 178.
  • <35> OS Card Reference: Gents Mag Library Arch 2 1886 178 f (J Brent).
  • <36> OS Card Reference: Arch of Kent 1930 228-232 235-236 261 illus (R F Jessup).
  • <37> OS Card Reference: BAR 82 Anglo Saxon Cemeteries 1980 86-88 90 94-95 110 (Rahtz Dickinson and Watts).
  • <38> OS Card Reference: The Arts in Early England 4 Saxon Art and Industry in the Pagan Period 415 701-705 pl XCVII fig 2.
  • <39> OS Card Reference: Arch 41 1867 416-418 (J Brent).
  • <40> OS Card Reference: Collectanea Antiqua 6 1868 145 ff.
  • <41> OS Card Reference: TBAA Glos 1848 87-88.
  • <42> OS Card Reference: Thanet The Arch Heritage c 1982 9 (Thanet Dist Council and Isle of Thanet Arch Unit).
  • <43> OS Card Reference: Md Arch 5 1961 55 fig 18 (S C Hawkes and G D Dunning).
  • <44> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 19 1892 31 no 485 illus.
  • <45> OS Card Reference: Oxomensia 14 1949 34 (J R Kirk).
  • <46> OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 92 225-227 (R Avent).
  • <47> OS Card Reference: Isle of Thanet Arch Unit Sites and Mons Archive 1988 Record no 139.
  • <48> Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TR 26 NE 11 - September, 1963.
  • <49> Index: Trust for Thanet Archaeology. Thanet Sites and Monuments Record.
  • <50>XY Scheduling record: English Heritage Scheduling Section. 1999. Anglo-Saxon Cemetery, Parish Church of St. Giles and Associated Remains Immediately East of Sarre Mill. [Mapped feature: #900 Cemetery, ]
  • <51> Photograph: 1990. 1990 collection of vertical aerial photographs of Kent. Colour. Print. Kent HER r12photo960 XX-XXX-1990.
  • <52> Archive: Next Perspectives. 2003-2021. Next Perspectives APGB orthophotography. EARTH.GOOGLE.COM XX-XXX-1990.

Finds (8)

Protected Status/Designation

Related Monuments/Buildings (2)

Related Events/Activities (4)

  • Intrusive Event: Excavation, SARRE, 1864 (Ref: EI 15018) (EKE4715)
  • Non-Intrusive Event: Historic England Thanet Landscape - Aerial Investigation Mapping (EKE23827)
  • Intrusive Event: SARRE JUTISH CEMETERY (Ref: EI 36116) (EKE4459)
  • Intrusive Event: Watching Brief on the Sarre First Time Drainage Scheme Spring 1991 (Ref: EI 36117) (EKE4460)

Related Thematic Articles (1)

Record last edited

Oct 17 2024 10:37AM