Monument record TR 35 SE 15 - Walmer Castle, Deal
Grid reference | Centred TR 3776 5009 (89m by 84m) FCE |
Map sheet | TR35SE |
Civil Parish | DEAL, DOVER, KENT |
County | KENT |
District | DOVER, KENT |
Type and Period (2)
Full Description
<1> OS 25"1957 (OS Card Reference). SKE48289.
<2> MHLG (1035/11/A June 1947) 20 (OS Card Reference). SKE46902.
<3> F1 ASP 19-JUN-64 (OS Card Reference). SKE42186.
<4> Deal & Walmer Castles 1963 (M O W) (OS Card Reference). SKE39690.
<5> The Landscape of Walmer Castle 1984 (E Banks R Flenley and H Neilson) (OS Card Reference). SKE50403.
<6> Country Life 46 1919 552-7 584-90 (M Conway) (OS Card Reference). SKE39433.
<8> Hist of the King's Works 4 (2) 1982 369 404-5 461-65 (H M Colvin) (OS Card Reference). SKE44038.
<9> JBAA 39 1883 418-19 (T Morgan) (OS Card Reference). SKE44951.
<10> Castellarum Anglicanum 1 1983 235 (D J Cathcart King) (OS Card Reference). SKE38618.
<11> VCH Kent 1 1908 444 (J Chalkley Gould and E A Downman) (OS Card Reference). SKE50918.
<12> The English Castle 1936 110 (H. Brown) (OS Card Reference). SKE50341.
<13> The Castles of Great Britain 1953 266-67 (S Toy) (OS Card Reference). SKE50260.
<14> Castles An Intro to the Castles of England and Wales 1953 24 56 fig 1 (B H St J O'Neill) (OS Card Reference). SKE38622.
<15> A Hist of Fortification from 3000 B C to A D 1700 1955 245-246 (S Toy) (OS Card Reference). SKE32815.
<16> Arch Cant 23 1898 24-30 (W L Rutton) (OS Card Reference). SKE34858.
<17> A Handbook of Kent's Defences 1540-1945 1977 17 (sic) 30 (D H Bennett) (OS Card Reference). SKE32806.
<18> BOE North East and East Kent 1983 489 (J Newman) (OS Card Reference). SKE38268.
<19> Country Life 88 1940 190-4 (A Oswald) (OS Card Reference). SKE39459.
<20> Home Counties Mag 7 1905 149-51 illus (OS Card Reference). SKE44167.
<21> Castles of England 1 1897 55 (J D Mackenzie) (OS Card Reference). SKE38633.
<22> Mariner's Mirror 1965 155-71 (OS Card Reference). SKE46551.
<23> Deal and Walmer Castles Eng Heritage Guide 1988 5-16 18-20 30-42 photos plan (A D Saunders) (OS Card Reference). SKE39692.
<24> Field report for monument TR 35 SE 15 - June, 1964 (Bibliographic reference). SKE6082.
<25> Victor Smith and Andrew Saunders, 2001, Kent's Defence Heritage (Unpublished document). SKE6956.
<26> Vernacular Architecture Group, ADS Dendrochronology Database, Vol. 28, Pg. 130 (Website). SKE17391.
<27> historic england, 2015, Walmer Castle, Kingsdown Road, Deal, Kent: Tree-Ring Analysis of Oak and Pine Timbers (Bibliographic reference). SKE31736.
<28> Dungworth D & Girbal B, 2011, Walmer Castle, Deal, Kent: analysis of window glass: technology report (Unpublished document). SKE55415.
<29> Historic England, Archive material associated with Walmer Castle Scheduled Monument (Archive). SKE55416.
Sources/Archives (28)
- <1> SKE48289 OS Card Reference: OS 25"1957.
- <2> SKE46902 OS Card Reference: MHLG (1035/11/A June 1947) 20.
- <3> SKE42186 OS Card Reference: F1 ASP 19-JUN-64.
- <4>XY SKE39690 OS Card Reference: Deal & Walmer Castles 1963 (M O W). [Mapped feature: #961 Castle, ]
- <5> SKE50403 OS Card Reference: The Landscape of Walmer Castle 1984 (E Banks R Flenley and H Neilson).
- <6> SKE39433 OS Card Reference: Country Life 46 1919 552-7 584-90 (M Conway).
- <8> SKE44038 OS Card Reference: Hist of the King's Works 4 (2) 1982 369 404-5 461-65 (H M Colvin).
- <9> SKE44951 OS Card Reference: JBAA 39 1883 418-19 (T Morgan).
- <10> SKE38618 OS Card Reference: Castellarum Anglicanum 1 1983 235 (D J Cathcart King).
- <11> SKE50918 OS Card Reference: VCH Kent 1 1908 444 (J Chalkley Gould and E A Downman).
- <12> SKE50341 OS Card Reference: The English Castle 1936 110 (H. Brown).
- <13> SKE50260 OS Card Reference: The Castles of Great Britain 1953 266-67 (S Toy).
- <14> SKE38622 OS Card Reference: Castles An Intro to the Castles of England and Wales 1953 24 56 fig 1 (B H St J O'Neill).
- <15> SKE32815 OS Card Reference: A Hist of Fortification from 3000 B C to A D 1700 1955 245-246 (S Toy).
- <16> SKE34858 OS Card Reference: Arch Cant 23 1898 24-30 (W L Rutton).
- <17> SKE32806 OS Card Reference: A Handbook of Kent's Defences 1540-1945 1977 17 (sic) 30 (D H Bennett).
- <18> SKE38268 OS Card Reference: BOE North East and East Kent 1983 489 (J Newman).
- <19> SKE39459 OS Card Reference: Country Life 88 1940 190-4 (A Oswald).
- <20> SKE44167 OS Card Reference: Home Counties Mag 7 1905 149-51 illus.
- <21> SKE38633 OS Card Reference: Castles of England 1 1897 55 (J D Mackenzie).
- <22> SKE46551 OS Card Reference: Mariner's Mirror 1965 155-71.
- <23> SKE39692 OS Card Reference: Deal and Walmer Castles Eng Heritage Guide 1988 5-16 18-20 30-42 photos plan (A D Saunders).
- <24> SKE6082 Bibliographic reference: Field report for monument TR 35 SE 15 - June, 1964.
- <25> SKE6956 Unpublished document: Victor Smith and Andrew Saunders. 2001. Kent's Defence Heritage.
- <26> SKE17391 Website: Vernacular Architecture Group. ADS Dendrochronology Database. Vol. 28, Pg. 130.
- <27> SKE31736 Bibliographic reference: historic england. 2015. Walmer Castle, Kingsdown Road, Deal, Kent: Tree-Ring Analysis of Oak and Pine Timbers.
- <28> SKE55415 Unpublished document: Dungworth D & Girbal B. 2011. Walmer Castle, Deal, Kent: analysis of window glass: technology report.
- <29> SKE55416 Archive: Historic England. Archive material associated with Walmer Castle Scheduled Monument.
Finds (0)
Protected Status/Designation
Related Monuments/Buildings (1)
Related Events/Activities (7)
- Non-Intrusive Event: Chemical analysis of historic window glass at Walmer Castle (EKE22326)
- Intrusive Event: Dendrochronology dating of the ceiling beams of Walmer Castle (EKE11796)
- Intrusive Event: Evaluation and survey at Walmer Castle Paddock (Ref: W605, W683, W6534, W6538) (EKE5325)
- Intrusive Event: Evaluation, Walmer Castle, 1997 (EKE21164)
- Intrusive Event: Tree-ring analysis of oak and pine timbers, Walmer Castle (Ref: 40-2015) (EKE15638)
- Intrusive Event: WALMER CASTLE (Ref: EI 36178) (EKE4797)
- Non-Intrusive Event: WALMER CASTLE PADDOCK (DEAL DRAINAGE AREA PLAN SCHEMES 3963 AND 3964) (Ref: W605, W683, W6534, W6538) (EKE21259)
Related Thematic Articles (2)
Record last edited
May 2 2023 1:49PM