Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE12475 - DRAFT Archaeological Observations undertaken during the Boley Hill, Rochester Repaving Project 1998. Volume 1: Report

Title DRAFT Archaeological Observations undertaken during the Boley Hill, Rochester Repaving Project 1998. Volume 1: Report
Date/Year 1999


Volume 1 of a 3 volume set on the Rochester Repaving Project. See also Volume 2, the Appendices (KCC 2003/4) and Volume 3, the Figures (KCC 2004/421). This volume first details the previous archaeological work and documentary evidence for the area, before reporting on the current series of archaeological works. The work involved archaeological observations and excavations of an extensive area of the historic core of Rochester, prior to the insertion of drains and soak-aways and a new cobbled surface being laid. The scheme extended from the High Street, along Boley Hill, St. Margaret's Street, The Precincts and College Yard. During the course of the project, three medieval buildings, three gateways (two medieval, one Roman), a seventh century church and parts of the Roman and medieval defences were uncovered. Several road deposits were also seen, some of which may be Roman in date.

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Kent County Council Heritage 2003/3

Referenced Monuments (11)

  • Anglo Saxon Graves, found under Rochester Cathedral (Monument)
  • Hogs Hawe (Haugh) Drain, the Precinct, Rochester (Monument)
  • Medieval and post medieval wall fragments, Boley Hill, Rochester (Monument)
  • MINOR CANONS' ROW (Listed Building)
  • Remains of Anglo Saxon Church, under west end of Rochester Cathedral (Monument)
  • Remains of Parsonage Barn? on King's School Road, the Precinct, Rochester (Monument)
  • Structures found on the junction of Boley Hill Road and Epaul Lane, Rochester (Monument)
  • Surviving fragments of the medieval town and precinct wall, Rochester (Monument)
  • The 'Great' Gate or 'Almoner's' Gate, Rochester Cathedral (Monument)
  • The Roman (and Norman) South Gate of Rochester (Durobrivae) (Monument)
  • Town Wall, Rochester, Horsewash Lane (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE8792 Observations during the Rochester Repaving Project

Record last edited

Jan 10 2014 1:46PM