Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE13636 - A2 Pepperhill to Cobham Widening Scheme - Further Archaeological Works Report: Offline Route Chainage 6080 to 6400 (D)

Title A2 Pepperhill to Cobham Widening Scheme - Further Archaeological Works Report: Offline Route Chainage 6080 to 6400 (D)
Date/Year 2008


Archaeological works carried out at Site D. Excavations revealed a small rectangular cemetery enclosure including two Early Roman high status cremation burials and several lower status cremation burials and inhumations. Excavations also revealed an Early Bronze Age Beaker Pit. Several large dene holes of late Medieval or post-Medieval date and incendiary devices from a World War II bombing raid were also found around the area.

External Links (0)


Unpublished document


Kent County Council Heritage 2008/167

Referenced Monuments (6)

  • Bronze Age Beaker pit - A2 Pepperhill to Cobham widening scheme (Monument)
  • Iron Age Pits associated with Iron Age ditches (Monument)
  • Iron Age Pits associated with Iron Age ditches (Monument)
  • Medieval Dene holes - A2 Pepperhill to Cobham widening scheme (Monument)
  • Rectangular Cemetery Enclosure - A2 Pepperhill to Cobham widening scheme (Monument)
  • Rectangular Cemetery Enclosure - A2 Pepperhill to Cobham widening scheme (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE9903 A2 Pepperhill to Cobham Widening Scheme. Further Archaeological Works Report: Offline Route Chainage 6080 - 6400 (Site D) (Ref: 30045 Rev 00)

Record last edited

Dec 6 2016 4:02PM