Source/Archive record (Unpublished document) SKE29576 - Thanet Earth, Plateau 1 extension, 2012: Assessment Report

Title Thanet Earth, Plateau 1 extension, 2012: Assessment Report
Date/Year 2012


Between 20 August and 30 August 2012, Canterbury Archaeological Trust carried out a Strip, Map and Sample excavation on the site of Plateau 1 at Thanet Earth, in relation to a proposed extension to Plot 1. The work was carried out within areas not previously cleared as part of the major archaeological project undertaken in 2007/8. Of the three relatively small areas concerned only Area C on the eastern edge of the plateau revealed any archaeological features. Most of these were of late Iron age/Roman date, and included a metalled trackway and associated ditches located previously. However, additional finds and ditches have clarified the dating of these features and suggest the trackway was bordered by a late Iron Age/Roman field system. One significant find was an inhumation burial of similar date, buried close to the trackway in the corner of the adjacent field.

External Links (0)


Unpublished document


Kent County Council Heritage 2014/216

Referenced Monuments (8)

  • Late Iron Age and conquest period burials - Thanet Earth (Monument)
  • Late Iron Age to Roman ditch, Thanet Earth Plateau 1 Extension (Monument)
  • Late Iron Age to Roman field system, Thanet Earth Plateau 1 Extension (Monument)
  • Late Iron Age to Roman inhumation burial, Thanet Earth Plateau 1 Extension (Monument)
  • Late Iron Age to Roman trackway, Thanet Earth Plateau 1 Extension (Monument)
  • Late Iron Age trackways fields and enclosures - Thanet Earth (Monument)
  • Prehistoric enclosure, Thanet Earth Plateau 1 Extension (Monument)
  • Prehistoric sub-circular feature, Thanet Earth Plateau 1 Extension (Monument)

Referenced Events (1)

  • EKE15747 Strip, Map and Sample excavation at Plateau 1, Thanet Earth (Ref: TEP1E‐EX‐12)

Record last edited

Jun 28 2023 7:24PM